Chapter 3

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McGee had hacked his way through the security codes and was searching for the list of Marines stationed overseas. He'd found the list he needed, the list of Marines, who had started the school that had been bombed.

As soon as he'd clicked on it, the elevator doors parted and Gibbs stepped off. "You guys better have something." Gibbs barked, looking at McGee and Tony, who had been standing looking over Tim's shoulder.

"Just thought McGoo could use a second set of eyes in going through the phone records and emails." Tony said, thinking quickly.

McGee had no choice but to close out of the database and go back to the emails and phone records.

Gibbs was about ready to say something when the phone at his desk rang. He looked and saw that it was from Abby. He answered. "What's up, Abs?"

"Come down to my lab, now. I have something very important for you." She said and then hung up.

Gibbs hung the phone up and headed for the elevator.

"What's up boss?" Tony asked.

"Abby has something for me." He said and then hopped on the elevator.

Tony, Ziva, and McGee all exchanged glances. Then without a word they all headed for the stairs. They headed to Abby's lab all hurrying, hoping that they might be able to beat the elevator. They were able to get down the stairs just as Gibbs walked into Abby's lab. They all stood by the door, leaving it barely open and watched the scene unfold.


Gibbs stepped off the elevator and headed to Abby's lab. He walked in and found Abby setting in front of her computer. "What do ya got for me Abs?" He asked.

"In there." Abby pointed to the other section of her lab.

Gibbs looked up from Abby, to see a young redhead with her hair in a military style bun and wearing fatigues. She had a few scratches on her face, a brace on her knee and leaning against a crutch.

Gibbs quickly closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. "I'm so glad that you're alive." He whispered to her.

"Me, too." She replied, tears stinging her eyes.

Abby smiled and then made her way out of her lab to give them some privacy. She was stunned when she ran into Tony, Ziva, and McGee in the hall. She quickly shut her door all the way and gave them all a stern look. "What are you guys doing?"

"We were wanting to know what was going on with Gibbs." Ziva answered.

"Yeah, he's flipped out like Clark Grizzwold when he didn't get his Christmas bonus." Tony said.

"He got that way right after he read that article about the school that got bombed." McGee added.

Understanding lit Abby's features. "He was worried about Charity." Abby told them.

"Is that that redhead in there?" McGee asked.

"Yes." Abby answered. "Corporal Charity Gibbs."

"Gibbs? So you mean Gibbs got himself a young redhead? Good for him." Tony said.

"No, she's his daughter, Tony." Abby replied.

"I thought Kelly..." McGee said, confused.

"Charity is two years younger than Kelly. Charity was in the car when her mom and Kelly were killed. Charity somehow survived." Abby told them.

"Oh, wow." Tony said.

Back in the lab...

Gibbs pulled back to look at his daughter. "I've missed you, Baby Girl." He said.

"I missed you, too, Daddy." She replied.

"How long are you home for?"

"For a long time. Just depends on how I heal." She answered, gesturing to her knee, but Gibbs knew that there was more to that statement. "I have some surgeries and physical therapy to go through."

"You know, I wanted you home, but this really isn't the way I wanted it to happen."

Charity let out a small laugh. "It's not how I pictured my homecoming either."

Gibbs reached up a hand and wiped at her tears.

"You know your team is outside the door right?" She asked.

"Yeah." Gibbs answered. Then Gibbs walked to the door and opened it. He saw his team standing out there just as he and Charity had known. "DiNozzo, come here."

Tony looked confused and walked over to Gibbs. "Yeah, boss?"

Gibbs reached around and gave Tony a head slap.

"I'm sure I deserved that, but what exactly did I do?" Tony asked.

"You can't keep your nose out of everybody's business and you dragged them into it." Gibbs answered gesturing to Ziva and McGee. "For some reason they go along with what you say."

"We do not!" Ziva and McGee both protested, sounding like children.

The glimmer of a smile lit Gibbs's face as he watched them. Then he turned to look at his daughter. He saw a very small smile on her lips. He knew that she wasn't quite herself, but that's what happened when you saw violence like she had. Who knew what she had gone through when that bomb went off. she would talk to him when she was ready.

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