Chapter 2

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week had passed and Gibbs had still not yet received word from the Major. They were also facing a dead end in their case. Gibbs sat at his desk, trying to work his computer, but failing. He smacked it a few times, but still it didn't work.

"You want some help with that boss?" McGee asked.

"No." Gibbs answered gruffly. Then he smacked the computer extra hard, frustrated with everything, and rose from his seat. "Headed to MTAC. I'll be back in a little while."

Once inside he told the techs who he wanted to talk to. "I'm sorry Agent Gibbs, but their line of communication is down right now."

"Can you fix it?" Gibbs asked, a note of anger in his voice.

"No, it has to be repaired from their end." the tech replied.

Gibbs turned and headed back out to his team. There had to be something that could be done. He just didn't know what. On the news they had reported that four Marines were dead and so far twenty of the young girls that had been in attendance that day.

She's alive. I know it in my gut. Gibbs thought to himself.

"How is the case coming?" Gibbs asked, trying to distract himself. "Anybody have anything new for me?"

"Still searching through his phone records and emails, nothing." McGee answered, being the first brave soul to speak up.

"David?" Gibbs asked.

"I'm sorry Gibbs. I have nothing."


"Sorry boss. This guy was good."

"We might have to give up." Ziva said.

"No!" Gibbs practically shouted at her and slammed his fist down on his own desk. "We do not give up on anyone."

"But boss..." Tony tried to interrupt.

"No buts." Gibbs said. "We will find out who killed our Marine and we will bring them to justice." Then Gibbs headed over to the elevator and left.

Ziva turned to Tony. "Have you found out anything about why Gibbs is so angry?" She asked.

"Not yet." Tony replied. "Since he didn't get this way until after the news about that bombing, I decided to look up who the Marines were that were in that unit."

"What did you find?" McGee asked.

"I can't get passed the security codes." Tony answered. "It won't let me see who was in charge of that school." Then Tony gave McGee a questioning look.

"No, Tony. I'm not hacking into military records, not without a warrant anyway." McGee said, recognizing the look in Tony's eyes.

"So, you'd rather put up with Grumpy Gibbs?" Tony asked.

"No, but I'm sure it will pass." McGee replied.

"It's already been a week." Tony shot back. "Come on McGee you know you want to."

"We're supposed to be working on the case." McGee countered, grasping at straws.

"Come on McGeek you know you want to flex those computer hacking muscles of yours." Tony coaxed.

McGee thought for several minutes and then sighed. "Fine."

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