Chapter 22

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The next couple of weeks passed and Tony and Charity were spending a lot of time together. They had lunch together several times and had gone out to see a couple of movies together. Officially they had had six dates.

Charity's dreams of Tony had continued to get steamier and whenever she woke up from them she'd felt like she was on fire. She wasn't sure if the seventh date was okay to go ahead witht he next step or not. Rule number four. Came through her mind. I have to talk to somebody.

She got up and got dressed. She hobbled down the stairs and found her dad setting at the table drinking his first cup of coffee. "Morning baby girl."

"Morning daddy." She replied. "Do you mind if I come with you to NCIS? I need to talk to Abby about something."

"You want to talk to me about it?" Gibbs asked.

"Girl stuff." Charity answered.

"Got it." Gibbs replied and let it drop.

After a little while longer, they headed out the door and were on their way to NCIS.


Abby was in her lab and Ziva had come to visit with her, as she was caught up on her case reports. They were talking, when they heard the sound of Charity's crutches coming down the hall.

"Hello Charity." Ziva greeted.

"Hi Ziva." Charity replied.

"So, what's up?" Abby asked.

"I need to talk to you." Charity answered.

"Oooh, this should be good." Abby said, seeing the look on Charity's face.

"Is this something you want me to leave for or is it all right if I stay?" Ziva asked.

Charity thought about it for a moment. Then she sighed. "You can stay."

Abby got up and shut the door to her lab and then turned her music up so no one could hear their conversation. She then motioned to a chair. "Come have a seat on my couch." Abby said. "Let Doctors Abby and Ziva help you with all of your problems."

Charity couldn't help but grin as she made her way over to the chair.

"Okay, so what's going on?" Ziva asked.

Charity sighed again. "Well, there's this guy..."

"I knew this would be good." Abby said.

Charity gave Abby a look.

"Sorry, go on." Abby replied.

"We've been seeing each other for a little while..."

"How come you haven't told me about him before?" Abby asked.

"I don't know...I just didn't feel that it was that important." Charity said.

"What's his name?" Abby asked. "Do I know him?"

"No you don't know him." Charity answered. "Now, will you please let me get my problem out or not?"

"Okay, sorry." Abby said, throwing her hands up in surrender.

"Well, we've decided to take things slow and I've been having some really crazy sexy dreams about him..." Charity said.

"What kind of dreams?" Ziva asked.

"Well, there's one where he's a firefighter and I'm on fire and he comes at me with this big long hose and puts the fire out." Charity replied.

Ziva raised an eyebrow. "That sounds really symbolic."

Charity nodded. "There's others too, but their a little more literal."

"Got it." Ziva and Abby both said.

"Anyway, I have never wanted a man as much as I have this guy, but I'm not sure if it's the right time." Charity said.

"How many dates have you been on?" Abby asked.

"Six." Charity answered. "And I've been living like a nun for the last two years if you catch my drift."

Abby and Ziva's eyes both widened. "Normally, I would say that you have waited long enough now, but factoring in the two years without, the third date would have been acceptable." Abby said.

"Really?" Ziva said. "With the two years, I would have said that the first date would have been acceptable."

"So, I'm not being slutty?" Charity asked.

"No." Abby and Ziva said in unison.

Then Ziva turned to Charity. "How did you go two years without? If you don't mind my asking."

"Well, when you're overseas and all the men in your camp are married or gay, you kinda learn to live without." Charity answered.

"That would definately do it." ZIva replied.

"Now go call or text this man and get the ball on the roll." Abby said. "You need him, bad."

Charity grinned. "Okay. Thanks for the talk. Oh and please keep this to yourselves."

They both nodded.

Then Charity got up and hobbled on her crutches out of the lab. She got on the elevator and once the doors closed she pushed the button and stopped the elevator. She pulled out her cell phone and noticed that Tony had sent her a text.

Dinner tonight? You pick the place.

Sounds great. How about your place?

It took Tony a minute to respond, but then he sent back: As long as you're sure.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Sounds great. Seven?


See you then.

Charity put her phone away and let out a sigh. Suddenly she was incredibly nervous. What if it's been too long and I suck? Or is it like riding a bike? Then the dreams she's been having of Tony came through her mind and she suddenly felt very hot. I have got to get this fire put out.

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