Chapter 24

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After Tony left, Charity headed home and took a long cold shower. Then she got into bed, but she couldn't sleep. She groaned and then got out of bed. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Then she made her way carefully down the basement steps.

She moved a stool over in front of the boat and sat down. She then started to work on her father's boat. "I could probably spend the entire night working on this boat and finish it." She spoke allowed to herself.

She continued to work on the boat. In just a couple of hours, she'd had the entire boat sanded and it was time to start some more assembly work. A few more hours passed and the front door was opening. "Baby girl?" Gibbs called. "You home?"

"Basement!" She called, not looking up from her work.

Gibbs came down the basement steps and found that Charity had done a lot of work to the boat. "You almost finished it." He said.

"Yup." Charity answered.

"What happened to you going out earlier?" He asked.

"Plans got changed." She answered.

"Everything okay, baby?" Gibbs asked.

"Just frustrated." She answered.


"I really don't want to talk about it." Charity answered.

Gibbs walked over to his daughter and put a hand on her shoulder. "You know you can talk to me about anything."

Charity put the hand tools down. "Daddy, we are very close. Closer than most other fathers and daughters, but even we aren't close enough to talk about this." She told him.

Gibbs looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

Charity began to have an internal argument with herself, then she decided. "Do you really want to know?" She asked. "I mean really really wanna know?"

"Yes." Gibbs answered.

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." She said. She'd decided to go with the truth or at least part of it. "I'm sexually frustrated." She blurted out.

Gibbs took in a deep breath and then looked at his daughter. "How about I help you work on the boat until I need to go back?"

"Sounds good to me." Charity said, pleased that her confession had its desired effect.

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