Chapter 7

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After Abby left, Charity got up. She hobbled over to the stairs and headed for her room. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that had USMC across the front of it. On the back it had the insignia of the Marines and read Simper Fi.

Charity slipped her combat boots back on. She brushed out her long red locks and let them fall down her back. She made her way back down the stairs and grabbed her crutch. She pulled out her cell phone and called for a cab.

The cab quickly arrived and Charity hopped in. She gave told the cab driver where to go and soon she leaned on her crutch just outside the cemetery gates. She paid the cab driver and told him to come back in a couple of hours. She walked into the cemetery and made her way to the grave stone she was looking for.

She stopped in front of the one that read, "Corporal Katherine Marks." She looked down at the grave, that had just been dug last week. "Katie, I still can't believe you're gone." Charity said.

She stood there after that and listened to the silence around her. "You have no idea how much I wish you were here right now. I miss your smiling face and how you could always make me laugh. You were so goofy. I can't believe all the stuff you talked me into."

Charity let out a small laugh as she remembered all the antics they performed and the trouble they got into. "Remember during basic when you talked me into toilet papering the Sergeant's barracks? We got in so much trouble. We had to do one hundred push-ups and then we had to scrub the barracks from top to bottom with toothbrushes."

Charity began to laugh uncontrolably, sounding hysterical. Soon the laughs became sobs and tears fell from her eyes. "I'm not sure why I survived. I can't figure out why He took yhou and the others and left me alive." She said, once the sobs had calmed. She wiped at the tears falling down her face. "I don't think I'll ever figure it out."

Charity then reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out a flask. She opened it and held it up. "Here's to you, Katie. Simper Fi. I will never forget you." She then tipped the flask to her lips and took a sip.

She stood there for the time being, trying to imagine what Katie would say if she were here. Then Charity knew just what she had to do. She headed back to the gates of the cemetery. The cab driver came back right on time and she told him she needed to go to NCIS.


Abby arrived back from her lunch early. She headed straight for her lab and went right back to work. Why won't she let me help her? Abby asked internally. She then threw herself into her work.

A while later, Gibbs entered. "How ya doin' Abs?" He asked.

"Fine." She answered. "I have something for you."

"I take it things didn't go well with Charity." Gibbs stated, knowing that something was bothering Abby. She was always so happy and perky, but right now she wasn't.

"No, they didn't." Abby replied. "She wouldn't let me help her Gibbs. I just wanted to help her." Tears began to fill Abby's eyes.

Gibbs pulled Abby to him. "I know. War does things to people, Abby. They have to want the help and want to talk about it."

"I know, Gibbs,'s just hard. It hurts to watch her go through this. It hurts that we are so happy that she's alive, but she's not."

"I know, Abby." Gibbs said, knowing too well how it hurt him to see his daughter suffering.

"Gibbs how can we help her?" Abby asked.

"We just have to let her come to us." Gibbs answered. Then his phone rang. He looked at the caller id. It was Tony. He picked it up and talked briefly with him. He hung up and then looked at Abby. "I have to go."

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