Chapter 17

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"What kind of trouble?" Charity heard herself ask.

"All kinds." Tony answered, smiling. Then he began to lean in.

Charity's heart raced in anticipation as Tony inched closer. When his lips finally met hers, she thought her heart might just leap right our of her chest. She'd been denying her attraction to him as best as she could, but she couldn't hide it any longer. So, she dove in head first.

Her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips moved with his. she felt his toung trace the line of her lips. She parted them slightly and he slid in. Oh! It's been so long since I've been kissed! She moaned internally. And I've never been kissed like this!

All too soon, Tony broke the kiss and pulled back to gaze at a breathless Charity. He grinned at her. "So much trouble." He said, panting.

"Is it worth it?" She asked.

"Oh yes." Tony answered. He reached over and cupped Charity's cheek.

"I hoped you would say that." She said, loving the feel of his hand on her cheek.

Tony leaned in again, claiming her lips with his. One of his hands began to slowly slide down her back. Charity felt her heart rate quicken and panic take over. She pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry." Tony said, realizing that he had gone too far.

"I...I'm sorry too." She replied. "It's just...I'm..." She struggled to find the right words.

"Not ready?" Tony suggested.

"Kind of." She replied. Then she let out a sigh. "I don't just sleep around. When I take that step with a guy it means something."

Tony nodded. "I can respect that and I can wait." He told her. "Besides, I haven't even taken you out on one date yet." He tagged on at the end.

"Thank you." Was all she could think to say. Part of her wanted to take everything she'd just said back and jump him right then and there, but she also knew that she wouldn't respect herself if she did. But hot damn! I've never wanted a man so bad in my entire life! And it's been two years. She thought to herself.

They stayed up a little while longer and talked and shared several more kisses. Then they fell asleep, Charity snuggling up to Tony as soon as she was out.

Tony woke the next morning to a pounding on his front door. He looked down and saw Charity, sound asleep in his arms. He reluctantly untangled himself from Charity and headed to answer the door. "I'm coming." He called somewhat grumpy.

He opened the door to reveal Abby standing on the other side. "What are you doing here this early?" Tony asked her.

"Where's Charity?" She asked, walking in past Tony.

"I was asleep until someone came in and started making a lot of noise." Charity said, coming from the bedroom, on her crutches.

Abby took in Charity's appearance and then looked about the room. She noticed the candles on the table. "Oh no! I'm too late!"

Tony and Charity exchanged confused glances. "Too late for what, Abby?" Tony asked.

"To keep you guys from sleeping together!" Abby answered.

Tony and Charity both laughed. "We didn't sleep together, Abby. At least not in that sense." Tony replied.

"What do you mean?" Abby asked.

"We slept in the same bed, but that's all we did was sleep." Charity replied.

"But you're wearing his shirt." Abby protested.

"Yeah, but that's because my clothes got drenched by the rain last night." Charity told Abby.

"What about the candles?" She asked pointing to the table.

"The power went out last night." Tony answered.

"So, nothing happened last night?" Abby asked.

"No." Tony lied. He and Charity had agreed that they would keep their relationship a secret until they were ready to tell Gibbs.

"So, I've been up all night worried for nothing?" Abby asked.

"Right." Charity replied.

Abby threw her hands up in the air. "The world makes no sense anymore!"

Tony gently grabbed Abby's shoulders and turned her to face him. "Go home and get some rest."

"Okay." Abby agreed. She walked out the door and headed back to her car.

Once she was gone, Tony looked at Charity, a questioning look in his gaze. "Is that what she had called about last night?"

Charity smiled. "Well, only after I told her I was here."

Tony laughed. "So, when do you want to go on that date?"

"Tomorrow night?" She asked.

"Okay." Tony agreed. "Dinner and a movie?"

"Sounds great."

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