Chapter 14

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riday morning soon arrived and it was time for Charity's second surgery. Gibbs had called her every night to check on her. Abby had spent a couple of nights with her as well. Last night, however, she had insisted that Abby go home. Charuty had needed the time to herself.

She was up and ready, sitting on the couch, when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." She called.

Tony walked in. "You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah." She answered. She grabbed her crutches and stood up. She hobbled out the door and to the car.

Tony drove her to the hospital.

"So, how long do you think it's going to be before Ziva and McGee get there revenge?" Charity asked.

"I have no idea." Tony answered. "I think they might be having problems coming up with a plan."

Charity laughed. "I've been thinkong of pranks to use on them."

"You are one evil genious." Tony replied.

"I know. Others have always tried to get me to use my powers for good, but the dark side is so much more fun." She replied.

Tony laughed. "I thought I was supposed to be the one making movie referenses."

Charity grinned devilishly at him. "So?"

Tony laughed.

The rest of the car ride was spent in comfortable silence. They arrived at the hospital. the nurse handed Charity one of the lovely paper gowns with no back. "Change and then someone will be in to give you the anestetic."

"Okay." Charity said.

Tony stepped out of the room to give Charity some privacy.

She changed quickly and sat in the bed. Tony knocked on the door. "Decent or not, I'm coming in." He said. Then he walked in, a hand over his eyes. "I'm not looking." He said.

Charity giggled.

Then he turned in her direction and spread his fingers apart so he could look through them. "Oh, darn, not even a back view of you scrambling before I can look." he teased.

"Sorry, no peep show for you." She teased back.

Tony came and stood over by her bedside. "I couldn't resist."

"You don't have to stay if you don't want to." Charity said.

"What if I want to?" Tony asked.

"That's fine too."

"Besides, I'm waiting for them to drug you up, you might say something you wouldn't normally say. Something funny and embarrassing." Tony teased.

Charity glared playfully at him.

Then a doctor came in and injected Charity's IV with the anestetic. "She'll be out of it in just a little while." He told Tony.

Shortly, Charity was quite loopy and then the nurses were coming in and wheeling her away. Tony sat down in a chair and turned the tv that was up on the wall on. A couple of hours later, they were wheeling Charity back into the room.

"The doctor will be in in just a little bit to speak with you." The nurse told Tony.

Tony nodded and sat and waited.

A few moments later, the doctor entered the room. He looked at Tony, confused. "You're not Mr. Gibbs."

Tony smiled slightly. "He had to go away for work. So until he gets back I'm taking care of Charity."

"I see." The doctor said. "Well, her surgery went well. the brace is back on to keep her from moving the knee. Now she needs to take the brace off a coule of time a day and exercise the knee."

Tony nodded.

The doctor then pulled out a sheet of paper. "These are the exercises I want her to perform. You may have to help her with some of them. In a couple of weeks she needs to come back and we'll perform a few tests and if everything looks fine, we'll schedule her third and hopefully final surgery. We should be releasing her tomorrow."

"Okay." Tony said, nodding.

The doctor then left the room. Tony went back to his seat and turned the television back on. After about twenty minutes, he heard Charity groan. He got up and walked over to her. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

"Fine." She answered, her voice groggy. "I want to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?" Tony asked.

"Thank you for coming with me, today and for staying." She said, her eyes still closed.

"You're welcome. Like I said though, I'm waiting for you to say something while you're under the influence."

Charity smiled. Then she opened her eyes and looked up at him.

He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was still most definately under the influence of the medicine.

"You're a cutie." She said.

Tony laughed. "I knew you'd say something." He said, not at all taking her seriously.

Charity laughed, too. She was really glad that Tony had come and was keeping her company.

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