Chapter 12

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Tony and Charity made their way out to Tony's car. Tony opened the passenger door for Charity. He helped her as littlwe as he could, knowing that it would drive her nuts to be too helpful.

Once she was ecirly inside and her crutches were in the back seat, Tony walked over to the driver's side and hopped in. "You in the mood for coffee?" Tony asked.

"Sounds good. I always plan pranks better when I have caffine." Charity answered.

"Alright, cafe it is then." He started the engine and pulled out of the drive. He headed for the closest cafe. They spent the drive in comfortable silence.

When they arrived, Tony got out and helped Charity out of the car. Once she was steady on her crutches, Tony backed off, keeping a comfortable distance between them. "What would you like?" Tony asked.

"Black coffee." She answered.

"Should have known." Tony replied. He approached the counter and ordered for the two of them. Then he paid. Their drinks were made and Tony picked them up and carried them to a table in the corner.

Charity sat down and leaned her crutches against the wall. "You didn't have to do that. Let me pay you back." Charity said, reaching into her pocket for some money.

Tony grabbed her hand. "Don't worry about it. Besides, you told me you weren't cheap." He added the last part with a cocky grin.

"I guess I did tell you it was gonna cost you."

"See now that's more like it." Tony replied. He pulled his hand back. "Now, what ideas do you have?"

"Just right to it then? No foreplay?" Charity asked, teasing.

Tony laughed and shook his head. "Red definately suits you. You're very spunky."

Charity giggled. "I see, I have to complain to get foreplay."

Tony laughed again. "Okay, now that I've given you some foreplay, why don't you tell me the ideas you have bouncing around in that devious mind of yours?"

Charity sighed playfully. "Well, I guess I can give you this one idea that keeps recurring in my mind."

"Really? What would that be?"

"You know joy buzzers?"

"Do I? I had a one when I was a kid. I got everyone with it. Of Course, one of the guys I got with it was one of my dad's business associates and well, that didn't go over very well." Tony answered. "But that wouldn't do."

"Oh no. I don't mean using one. There's actually this new version that you attach to the bottom of somebody's chair." Charity replied.

"I like the sound of this. I feel that there is more to your plan though." Tony replied, taking on a secretive tone.

Charity grinned. She then explained the rest of her plan to him.

"Oh-ho. This is good." Tony said, when Charity had finished explaining her plan. "Charity Gibbs, you are more than you appear."

She grinned at him. "It's a gift."

"Shall we go buy our supplies?" Tony asked.

"Oh yes definately." Charity answered, a devilish grin on her face.

Later that day...

Tony returned to NCIS to find that Gibbs, Ziva, and McGee were out. I have awesome luck! Then he walked over to McGee's desk and began setting everything up. When he was done with McGee's desk, he headed to Ziva's. Pranking Ziva had been a last minute idea. Normally, Tony would have been slightly afraid to prank Ziva, but when Charity had suggested it, he couldn't say no.

Tony calmly walked over to his desk and sat down filling out his paperwork. Gibbs was the first to return. "How's Charity?" He asked.

"She's fine boss." Tony answered. "I took her to get some coffee. She wanted to get out of the house."

Gibbs nodded. "Good work." Then he walked over to his desk and sat down.

Ziva and McGee returned at the same time. "Where have you been, Tony?" Ziva asked.

"Nowhere." Tony answered.

"I feel like we can't trust him." McGee said. "I feel like he's up to something."

"So suspicious McGoober." Tony replied jokingly.

McGee gave Tony a look for a minute, as if what Tony was up to was written all over his face. Then he walked over to his desk and sat down. He jumped in surprise as he felt his seat vibrate and then his leg hit just where Tony knew it would. A button was placed under his desk, which McGee had hit. This button triggered a shower of confetti and silly string to shoot up at McGee.

McGee looked over at Tony. "Really?"

Tony laughed like a mad man. "You should see the look on your face. It's priceless!" Tony howled.

"Real mature Tony." Ziva said. She then made her way over to her desk and sat down. The exact same thing that happened t McGee, happened to Ziva. She glared across the desk at Tony. "You are going to pay for that." She told him, her voice deadly.

Tony looked up at her. "Well, that would be my cue." He said. He rose up and dashed for the elevator.

Ziva and McGee shared a brief look and then dashed after Tony. Before they could get to him, the doors closed. Gibbs sat at his desk, a grin lighting his face.

Tony rode the elevator down to Abby's lab, where Charity was waiting. He walked in, a huge grin on his face.

"I take it our prank went well?" Charity asked.

"Even better." Tony answered.

"Prank?" Abby asked. "What prank?"

"Hold on a sec and I'll show you Abs." Tony answered. "I had to record it."

"Good, I have to see how well my plan went." Charity said.

Tony pulled out his phone. He searched through his emails and found it. He'd had the web cam at his desk record the prank and set it up to send to his phone. He turned the phone so Abby and Charity could see it.

They watched the video. Charity howled with laughter and Abby tried to contain her own laughs. "That wasn't very nice, you guys." She said.

"But it was funny." Charity said, calming her laughter enough to speak.

Just then, Ziva and McGee made their way into the lab. "Tony, you are a dead man." Ziva said.

"Wait a second, you can't kill just Tony." Charity interrupted, having to hide her laughter as Ziva and McGee were still covered in silly string and confetti.

"What are you saying?" Ziva asked.

"It was my idea." Charity answered.

"What?" McGee asked.

"She was the brains of this operation and I was merely the brawn." Tony answered.

Ziva then turned to McGee. They shared a look and then she turned back to Tony and Charity, who were both barely containing their laughter. "This means war. We will get you two back. You won't know when, you won't know where, and you won't know how, but we will get you." She then turned and walked away.

"War is on." McGee said and then followed Ziva.

Tony rubbed his hands together and smiled excitedly. "It appears we have a started a prank war."

Charity smiled up at him. "This is gonna be fun. I haven't been in a prank war since basic."

"I think you and I are going to make a great team in this war." Tony said.

"I think so, too."

Abby observed as Charity and Tony interacted with each other. They are going to get into so much trouble. Abby thought. Then she caught sight of the look on Charity's face. She knew that look. She'd seen it on Charity's face before. She's got a thing for Tony.

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