Chapter 1 Part 2

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Chapter 1 part 2


Samuel relayed everything he needed under his breath in an attempt to get rid of the burning feeling he was forgetting something.

"Mask, keys, pocket knife, spare weapons..." the list went on for much longer than in needed to. It was no secret that Samuel was over prepared for everything all the time.

"What else is there?" he furrowed his eyebrows so much he looked more silly than upset.

A sound from the other room caught his attention. Music? He took a few steps to go investigate before he was stopped by a sprinting 5 year old running out of the room and smacking into his legs.

"Dad! Dad! Look what I did!" The child's voice filled the room and she held up the source of the sound.

"Ah! I knew I was forgetting something!" Samual beamed. He always felt like he was forgetting something, but he rarely was actually forgetting anything. Anything important at least.

He pulled his phone out of the kids hand, paused the loud music, and crouched to meet the kid at eye level.

"Wow good job Ellie" Samuel thanked his daughter and gave her a pat on the head.

"Alright well I've got to go, Mrs. Amanda should be walking in any second. I lov-"

"Noo!" Ellie whined

"Why do you always have to leave? I never get to play games with you!"

While Ellie was throwing her tantrum Amanda walked through the door.

"I know Ellie, I know. I don't want to leave either but I have to. Now be good for Mrs. Amanda, okay?"

Ellie responded with silence and a failed attempt at glaring at him.

"I love you baby, I'll be back later tonight" Samuel kissed her head and stood up.

"I love you too"

She was upset, but she would never be upset enough to let her father leave without telling him she loves him.

Samuel finished his business with Amanda, saying for the 10th time that week how much he appreciates her watching his daughter, and headed out the door.

Amanda had been watching Ellie for almost a year now and might as well be family at this point. She was young, but not too much younger than Samuel, just 21 years old. She was over with Ellie almost every night babysitting.

It does sound like a lot, but she truly loved Ellie and knew her father was busy. Though she didn't know what he was so busy with, he was very friendly but also very private. Amanda knew nothing of his job, Ellie's mother, or anything else. It didn't seem Ellie knew much either, which made Amanda grow curious, but she never dared to ask any questions.

Samuel, who was known as 'the hero' while wearing his mask, turned into the alley he would be waiting for the villain in. He had changed out of his everyday clothes and put his mask on in a separate alley, just in case.

Samuel wasn't sure why everyone just stuck with 'the hero' and 'the villain' but as far as he cared, they were accurate. No harm done when you're just being truthful right?

He had been trying to arrange a meeting of sorts to talk for the villain for a very long time. He tried finding some kind of social media or email to contact him, nothing. He tried finding family or friends that he could ask about the villain, but you never see the villain talking to anyone. He even tried following the villain back to his home but the villain was scarily good at avoiding that type of thing.

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