Chapter 20 part 1

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Chapter 20 part 1


Weeks passed, then it was a month, then it was almost two.

At first Matias was pretty occupied with at least one questioning a day. However, things had slowed down and now he having them once a week. And that wasn't even a guarantee.

He had initially hated the interviews. He felt like he was asked the same questions over and over again. And then, when it was a new question, he would panic about what to say.

Eventually though, he started to appreciate them. It was ungodly boring in the prison with basically nobody else around. The only thing he could do was twiddle his thumbs and wait for Officer Hinton to show up.

That and think about Samuel, but he had been doing his best to avoid that. It made him feel sick with worry, almost like he was going to puke.

During the many questioning he had, all of which were with Officer Hinton and Officer Hinton alone, he felt he had cleared his name. Mostly, at least.

He had explained to them how he didn't kill those pedestrians first, then that gangs took advantage of his being the 'villain' and blamed their bullshit on him, and he even told the officer how poor he used to be. He explained how he did steal from that woman, but it was only because he was desperate. He strictly avoided all the drug talk though. Who knows what would happen if they found out why this all started.

There was even an entire questioning, maybe the 7th or 8th one, dedicated to asking him all about his powers.

Of course he just answered "I don't know" to most of them, but it was the truth.

That one was cut short though, once the officer realized he had the same amount of information that Matias did.

Much more recently he told the officer everything he knew about the new villain.

He explained how he took no part in working with her and every time he was 'seen working with her' it was complete bullshit. He then went on to elaborate, because he apparently wasn't clear enough the first time, on how he didn't know why she was doing anything.

The officer was clearly trying to help, but Matias couldn't help but be annoyed at some of the questions.

He'd ask what Matias knew about the new villain, Matias would say "nothing", he'd ask why she was attacking the city, Matias would say "I don't know", he'd ask where she might be now, and once again, Matias would say "I'm not sure".

It was an endless cycle of the officer asking questions that Matias couldn't answer.

However, Matias did tell them something vital. Probably the only helpful thing he could say about the villain.

It was Meera.

Matias didn't know too much about Meera, but he knew enough. He knew she was 19, her full name was Meera Yadav Kaur, and he knew she worked at the coffee shop on Greenlake.

He knew other small details too, like how she was about 5'7, Indian, had brown eyes, always had her nails done, etc, but he didn't mention that to the officer. He hadn't even thought about all of that until after the questioning anyways.

Now, it had been three days since he was last questioned. Which also meant that he hadn't seen Officer Hinton since then.

It wasn't that he minded whether he saw the officer or not, but Officer Hinton was his only way of checking up on Samuel.

The man was busy everyday, going back and forth between the hospital and the prison to check on Samuel and question Matias.

Now, who knows what could've happened to Samuel in the last couple of days.

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