Chapter 17 part 2

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Chapter 17 part 2


There was a bright light right on the front of Samuels eyelids, making him see red instead of black.

He didn't remember going to sleep, but now he was waking up in a bright hospital room, lying on the bed.

He tried to sit up but was met with an agonizing pain in his stomach before he moved an inch. It throbbed relentlessly as if someone was actively stabbing him over and over.

He heard multiple people talking louder than what seemed to be necessary, but he couldn't make out their words. His ears were ringing loudly and everything came muffled and distorted.

His vision was unbelievably blurry, him only seeing a mixture of different whites and grays.

That was until he saw someone's head moving just out of the corner of his eye. He tilted his neck very slightly towards the person, aching even with the slight movement.

He tried to say something, anything, but it came out as more of a whimper. His voice wasn't working and every time he tried to force his vocal cords to work they would shake, but not form words.

He could just barely make out another, higher pitched, voice. He still couldn't hear the words but he could tell the person was distressed.

He wanted to sit up or scream or ask what the hell was going on, but his body refused to listen.

His arms and legs were numb, he couldn't move his torso or neck because of the severe pain in his stomach, and his senses were pushed away as he tried to see or hear anything.

The only thing he could really recognize was the smell. It was the odd, indescribable smell of a hospital.

He had only been to the hospital a handful of times, but it had a unique kind of smell. He recognized it like a kid would recognize the smell of bacon early on Christmas morning.

He laid in that bed for what felt like days trying to regain his senses. He wasn't sure what he was doing, he never had to try to make his eyes work before, but it wasn't working too well.

His head pounded more and more the longer he was awake, but his vision had finally started clearing. The ringing in his ears faded, but didn't leave, and he was able to tell a bit more about his surroundings.

There were five doctors, maybe some were nurses, surrounding him. There was also a buff bald man in a police uniform standing in the corner.

All of the doctors were shouting about him being conscious and a few started spitting out some hospital terms that Samuel couldn't even begin to define.

"what?" Samuel just lightly breathed, his voice still fighting against him.

On of the female doctors shushed the other doctors surrounding him, gesturing towards his face.

Samuels lips moved, but he couldn't even whisper any words. They just wouldn't come out. He started to think he imagined speaking in the first place.

"You're perfectly safe, there is no need to worry" another doctor butted in.

They all looked at him as if waiting for him to process the information.

He tried, and failed, to speak once again.

"We have assured that nobody besides the doctors in this facility have seen you without your mask, there is no need to panic" the kind doctor continued in a soothing tone.

That wasn't what Samuel was worried about. Well, now he was, but he hadn't even thought of the fact that he was the hero right now. These people didn't know him as 'Samuel' at all. 

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