Chapter 31 part 2

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Chapter 31 part 2


Meeting Lexi shouldn't be making Samuel anxious—especially considering they had technically already met—but he was still left with sweaty palms and a turning stomach as they stood before her door.

"I can go in first, if you'd like. She doesn't even have to know you're here until after I explain" Matias offered.

Samuel wasted no time shaking his head. Waiting in the car would make him explode from anticipation.

Matias gave him a look of concern, but only nodded.

No more words were exchanged as Matias raised his fist and knocked on her door firmly.

Samuel positioned himself just slightly behind Matias. Enough to make Lexi realize there was no threat—just in case— but not enough to make it seem like he was hiding behind Matias.

After thirty seconds shuffling was heard from inside and the door was thrown open.


Her voice was high and filled with nerves. Before Samuel even knew what happened she was clung onto Matias with her eyes shut tight and her arms shaking. She didn't even notice Samuel was there.

Her face was pale, much paler than Samuel remembered, and she was dressed in slightly stained clothes. Her hair was a bit of a mess as her bun was starting to fall out.

He stepped to the side, a few feet away from the two.

Samuel couldn't help but feel bad. She really did think Matias could be dead. And she really was worried out of her mind.

Samuels mind flashed back to when he was in the same position, but he didn't allow himself to dwell on it.

After a minute she slowly pulled herself back, a few tears straying from her eyes.

"You scared the shit out of me you ass!" She lectured, though she was clearly not angry.

"I know, I'm sorry" Matias laughed quietly while still managing to sound sincere.

Lexi flinched when she finally saw Samuel. She looked at him like he was an intruder, and if it were anyone else he might've been offended.

"Aren't you.." she mumbled under her breath.

"The guy from the coffee shop" Matias finished her sentence, also turning to look at Samuel. "He's with me. It's.. a long story"

"Okay.." she responded questioningly, still giving Samuel a curious look. "Come in" she invited, though she seemed to struggle to pull her eyes off of Samuel.

Samuel and Matias exchanged a glance, Samuel feeling awkward and Matias being clearly anxious.

Lexi led them to her couch and gestured for the two to sit across from her. Samuel worried he sat too close to Matias, only an inch or two between them, but brushed it off as quickly as he could.

He took notice of the small messes through the house. There were junk food wrappers everywhere and laundry all over the floor.

Samuel couldn't help but feel bad. Surely she had been too worried to do anything with her house. Hell, Samuel had been relieved of plenty of stress and still struggled to keep his house halfway clean.

"So..?" Lexi mumbled, glancing back and forth between Matias and Samuel.

"Right" Matias said slowly, taking a slow and deep breath.

Samuel shifted awkwardly but tried not to seem uncomfortable.

"You remember what I told you about the hero saving my life, and how we're both working against the new villain?" Matias asked.

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