Chapter 29 part 1

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Chapter 29 part 1


In short, Matias's day so far had sucked.

He woke up disturbed and panicked from a ridiculous nightmare— which included from Guzantee threatening him all the way back to the woman he was forced to kill before he and Samuel even really met— and then had to pretend like nothing had even happened.

He had, admittedly, been dense and even a bit awkward towards Samuel since he woke up. But in all fairness, Samuel was acting strange too.

Matias had caught him staring multiple times and he was being even more distant that Matias himself. The only relief from this behavior is when Samuel went to get groceries earlier that day—which was definitely needed considering the empty kitchen.

Now it was evening and Matias and Samuel were sat on the couch while Ellie slept in her room.

They were sitting far apart with an entire cushion between them. A movie was on the TV, but Matias hadn't paid it the least bit of attention.

All he could think about was how Samuel kept shifting awkwardly and how he hadn't stopped fidgeting with his hands since they sat down. Matias considered speaking up, but what would he say?

A light flashed on the screen and Samuel flinched slightly, making Matias glance over.

He tried to reassure himself. He did his best to think rationally. Surely they were close enough for Matias to ask what was going on. They had kissed for christs sake.

He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again without making a sound.

He tried again, hesitating, but managing a soft whisper. "Are you alright?"

Samuel's head snapped over like he had been waiting for something to draw his eyes away from the television. His eyes had purple bags beneath them and his hair was a bit messy, but Matias felt his heart speed up nonetheless.

"Yeah" Samuel mumbled in response.

Matias watched as Samuel hesitantly turned back to the TV, a silent sigh leaving his lips.

He watched for a bit longer, observing Samuels obvious concern, before he pulled his eyes away.

They didn't stay away for long though.


And his head was turned right back and his eyes locked back onto Samuels. Samuel seemed to gain the slightest bit of confidence, his eyebrows furrowing with determination.

But that determination didn't take long to fade. His face grew soft and his eyes grew worried. His posture stiffened and he sat up straighter.

"Yes?" Matias responded, trying to usher Samuel into continuing.

Samuel continued to pinch at his hands and his legs shifted as he couldn't sit still. The sight made Matias feel beyond upset, wondering what he could've done to cause this kind of anxiety.

"I'm sorry.. I've just.." Samuel began, and faltered.

Matias stayed silent, but gave Samuel a look of encouragement.

"I should've told you this sooner" he mumbled, his eyes traveling to the couch cushion between them.

Matias once again didn't speak. He wanted to, of course. He didn't, however, have a single clue as to what he would say. He was terrified of making things worse as is, and speaking could make that all the more possible.

Curiosity spiked through his vains, but he tried to hide the eager look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I really should've have kept this to myself" Samuel muttered again, his voice growing more and more anxious. "Before you showed up.. in the alley"

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