Chapter 13 part 2

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Chapter 13 part 2


Once they arrived at the park it didn't take Ellie more than two seconds to climb up the equipment. Samuel and Matias sat down on a nearby bench, though neither of their eyes left the girl who was now rapidly going down the slide.

The two sat far enough apart to make the back of Samuels mind wish they were closer, but close enough where if either were to lean over a bit they'd end up on the others shoulder.

Ellie shouted something incomprehensible from the highest point on the playground, to which Samuel just laughed and assumed it wasn't important considering the bright smile on her face.

The two men sat silently for multiple minutes. Though Samuel really couldn't complain, he loved watching Ellie. Hell, he could watch Ellie do even the simplest of tasks and still be amused.

Samuels thoughts of his daughter soon led back to the night he and Matias really met. He was petrified when he saw Ellie talking to the villain, but now he couldn't imagine Matias not talking to them.

Samuel let out a small laugh without fully realizing.

"What?" Matias asked, interrupting Samuels thoughts.

Samuel snapped himself out of his mind and back into reality. His hands were balled into fists which he released when he realized and his chest seemed unusually heavy. But, oddly enough, he didn't really feel uncomfortable.

"Sorry I was just-" he paused, considering if he wanted to tell Matias what he was thinking about. But it didn't take long for him to say it anyways

"I was thinking about that night" he took a breath "I was so scared when I saw you talking to Ellie"

Matias's face shifted in a way that Samuel couldn't read. He didn't think he was upset though, he could at least tell that much.

"It's kind of funny how that wasn't long ago" Matias added

Samuel paused to think for another moment. It feels like it's been an eternity since he met Matias, but it's really only been a couple of days. Not even a full week yet.

"Yeah" Samuel confirmed through another laugh.

Samuel glanced away from Matias and back at the playground to assure Ellie was okay, smiling at her excitement as she went down the monkey bars.

"It's insane how much you can know a person after only a few days" said Matias.

Samuel hesitated, thinking over the words. But there was no denying, it was true. They had told one another more than either had expected about themselves.

He has never told anyone about Ellie's mother, but he not only told Matias, he wanted to tell Matias. Not to mention he knew a bunch about Matias as well.

"Weird how time will play tricks like that" Samuel responded, ending the conversation, even though they were both enjoying it.

They each watched Ellie and a few other kids run around for a few minutes before a notification drew Samuels attention away. He pulled out his phone and saw it was just from a silly news update app he had downloaded. But he still opened it nonetheless. It was his way of seeing everything going on with the villain before— when he still thought Matias was a bad person— so this must be something about either him or the new villain.

The paragraph he pulled up had an old photo of the villain attached. Though nobody would be able to tell it was Matias due to the mask and hat along with the fact that his face was tilted away in that particular photo.

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