Chapter 17 part 1

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Chapter 17 part 1


The hospital was packed full. There were people in the waiting room who, under normal circumstances, would've been top of the list to be seen.

Matias particularly took notice of a little girl sitting uncomfortably at the back of the waiting room. She was alone and had a red stained rag pressed against her leg. Even with blood running down her thigh and onto the chair, she was in the waiting room. Not to mention she looked like she had no hope to be called anytime soon.

She wasn't the only one though. In nearly every chair there was someone with a clearly severe injury who was still waiting on someone else. Matias couldn't help but wonder how bad the people who weren't waiting were hurt.

"We need to get to the hero's room" the officer said once they reached the front desk

Nurses were hurriedly scrambling through drawers and typing into computers behind the one they were talking to.

"I-I'm sorry?" She asked, her face hiding none of her shock.

"Please if it is at all possible, we need to get to the hero" the officer repeated, sounding more determined.

The nurses shocked expression didn't change, but she seemed to gather her thoughts enough to form a coherent response.

"Is it safe for him to be here right now?" She stuttered, lowering her voice even though they all knew the villain could still hear her

The bald man tightened his grip on Matias's handcuffs, holding them up to the woman.

"Everything is under control, I assure you. Can we please see the hero" the man damn near begged

Matias only stood silently. A bit of his exhaustion had come back and he became aware of his pain once again as the adrenaline wore away.

"He is in room 97 on the first floor" the woman finally informed "but it wouldn't be a good idea for you to go into the room. They are probably trying to stabilize him"

The officer glanced at Matias, but quickly looked away. He stared at the ground for a moment, silent.

"We are very busy, you could get in the way" she continued politely, but still very scared.

"Is it possible for us to wait near the room? Maybe right outside or in a corner of the room where we won't be in the way?"

The woman bit her lip, glancing around for a moment.

"Look, I would love to help you" she explained, making a point to only look at the officer "but I don't think that's possible"

The man sighed, looking back at Matias. Matias didn't bother to meet his gaze.

He looked back at all the people waiting in the lobby. Nurses had even come out to help sooth people's nerves, doing whatever they can to help the worse injuries without an actual room.

"Are all of these people hurt because of that explosion?" Matias asked, speaking up for the first time.

He looked back at the nurse who was wide eyed, her mouth open just a bit.

She blinked a few times, coming to her senses and closing her mouth.

"Most of them, yes. Many who are being brought by ambulance aren't even here yet"

Who the fuck does Meera think she is?

Matias couldn't shake the idea of Meera being the one to cause all of this. She might've been quiet and maybe a bit awkward, but she seemed sweet enough. Her doing something like this was absurd.

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