Chapter 27 part 2

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Chapter 27 part 2


Watching the news made Samuel feel like he was going to shrink into a little ball of grief and shame. Every time he saw himself dressed as "the hero" his heart would drop, and they hadn't even gotten to the fight yet.

It was painfully obvious how scared he had been. He was stumbling with every step he took and the way he had frozen when he saw the new villain made his blood run cold.

He had grabbed tightly onto Matias's hand, partially for comfort and partially to give him something else to think about. Usually, grabbing onto his hand would make Samuel freak out, his heart fluttering and his mind racing. Now, however, even if he kissed him it seemed like the least of his worries.

On the television the new villain reached out with her powers and grabbed onto Samuels ankle, pulling him up into the air and dangling him upside down like a puppet.

He had attacked her with his own powers, but she simply blocked them before they got to her. Not even breaking a sweat.

The fight went on for only a few minuets, much shorter than Samuel remembered. That was if you could even call her throwing Samuel around a 'fight'.

Samuel felt Matias squeeze his hand as he was thrown into a building on the screen.

"I'm sorry" Matias stuttered. "I should've stepped in sooner"

Samuel felt a tinge of guilt. He had been so focused on how he felt about it and everything that he did wrong, he hardly even considered that Matias felt bad too. Matias wished he could go back and change things in the same way Samuel did.

"That wouldn't have ended well" Samuel said with a particular certainty.

He could see Matias shaking his head lightly out of the corner of his eye.

On the screen the new villain was continuously breaking the surrounding buildings and the news reporter was shouting out every little event as it happened.

"It might've. Both of us against her.." Matias continued, but faltered.

They both knew they couldn't beat the new villain, even if it was two on one. Not while they were so weak compared to her.

Finally, the part Samuel had been dreading most was there. He was lifted off his feet by those dreadful red powers. More of the powers were lifted up in front of him. They broke his mask off his face. And they sliced through his stomach like it was nothing.

Samuel squeezed Matias's hand, and felt Matias squeeze back. His hand ached from how tight they were holding on to one another, but didn't loosen his grip even a little.

As Samuel fell to the ground the cameras focused in on his face. Luckily enough, he still had a clear enough thought process to cover his face with his hands and arms. Had he not, everyone would know who he is.

The reporter, somehow, yelled even louder.

"The hero has been fatally injured! We urge everyone to take shelter and do whatever you can to keep safe!"

Samuel took a slow and shaky breath on the couch. "They really thought I was their last hope" he uttered so quiet Matias hadn't even heard him.

The camera zoomed back out to show the new villain with her powers lifted up above Samuels head, ready to strike. Ready to kill him.

They came down fast and strong. Samuel was sure even now that it was over for him.

That was until a blue wall built itself around Samuel, deflecting the attack completely.

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