Chapter 28 part 1

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Chapter 28 part 1


"Why did you jump in?" Samuel asked quietly, his breath going onto Matias's ear and sending shivers up his spine.

Matias instinctively tightened his grip on Samuel, pulling him somehow closer.

"She was trying to kill you" Matias muttered back.

In all reality, the only reason Matias could think of was that he cared about Samuel. He was willing to do whatever he could to keep him safe, but he didn't plan on telling that to him.

"She was trying to kill you too" Samuel murmured.

Matias was unsure of how to respond. Telling Samuel the real reason would not only be humiliating, but could very well get a negative reaction.

Matias wasn't certain why he was still worried about Samuel responding badly when they had told one another how they felt in the hospital. He just couldn't stand the idea of Samuel being creeped out by him or wanting him to leave.

"Matias?" Samuel went on, pulling away to look him in the eyes.

Samuels brown eyes mesmerized Matias for a split second, the strings of gold and copper spewing out of his pupil in gorgeous strands.

"I just wanted to make sure you would be okay" he spoke while only half thinking. "I thought you were going to die"

Matias watched as Samuels eyes grew sad and his eyebrows scrunched together slightly. A strand of his hair fell down in front of his eye, but he didn't bother brushing it away.

"So you put yourself in danger too? Matias there must've been a better solution, putting yourself in danger so I could get away was the last thing you should've done" Samuel lectured, sounding more sad than angry.

Matias nodded slowly, locking eyes with Samuel.

"I know. I was just panicking and didn't know what else to do" he forced a small smile onto his face "besides, it worked didn't it? We got away"

Samuels lips turned upwards, his hands squeezing Matias's shoulders gently.

Matias was unsure of what to say. He suddenly became very aware of his hands which were placed on Samuels waist and the closeness of their faces.

"We'll have a plan next time. We won't have to make anything up on the spot" he finally spoke.

Samuels grin grew into a smile, his cheeks moving up and his eyes squinting slightly.

His hands moved from Matias's shoulders up to his neck and then onto his cheeks. Matias was unsure of what was happening, but gladly accepted the contact.

His face was slowly and gently pulled closer to Samuel, the already small gap between them growing smaller.

In a matter of seconds the gap had completely closed, the two of them meeting in the middle.

Samuels lips felt soft, calm even. They made Matias's heart do flips and his body relax.

Matias trailed his hands up from where they were rested on Samuels waist, going all the way up to his shoulders and then back down.

This time wasn't like the last. Samuel wasn't hurting, and he certainly wasn't dying. They weren't in danger. They weren't even under pressure.

It was just the two of them.

Samuel eventually pulled back, his face still staying close to Matias. He had an unsure look on his face, seeming to wait for Matias's approval.

Matias couldn't hold back his smile, a small laugh escaping his lips.

The second Samuels eyes lit up, Matias pressed their lips back together. He brought one of his hands up and tangled it in Samuels hair smoothly.

Samuels hands returned to Matias's shoulders once more, squeezing tightly while still being incredibly delicate.

Matias felt like his heart was going to explode then and there, but the feeling was somehow incredibly soothing.

Suddenly a small sound came from directly in front of them.

The two hurriedly pulled away from one another, their eyes darting at the figure in front of them.

Ellie's eyes were wide and she had a half happy, half confused look on her face.

"I thought you said you only kiss people on the lips if they're super special to you?" Her high pitched voice rang out, her eyes staring bullets towards Samuel.

Samuel's body immediately curled down, his hands being brought up to his face. His head was rested on Matias's chest due to how close they were.

Matias tried, but couldn't resist laughing. "You said what?"

Samuel tensed up even more. Matias could tell without even seeing him that his face was bright red.

"He did!" Ellie shouted "I kissed my friend at daycare once on the lips and the teacher said I couldn't do that. I asked dad about it and he said it was because you can only kiss people on the lips if they're really special to you and if you're both adults"

Matias laughed quietly through the whole story, Samuel hunching down even further.

"You're going to hurt yourself sitting like that" Matias pointed out through small bursts of laughter.

He put his hands on Samuels shoulders and pulled him up lightly, but instead of sitting up straight Samuel ducked down into the crook of Matias's neck.

"I only said that to keep her from going around kissing everyone" Samuel mumbled, trying–and failing–to hide his embarrassment.

Ellie climbed up on the couch by Samuel, but Samuel still remained tucked into Matias's shoulder and neck.

"You can turn on a movie if you'd like, Ellie" Matias pointed out while handing her the remote, trying to distract her from her red faced father.

It didn't take long before she had found something and was sitting silently to watch it.

Samuel, eventually, settled down and sat back on the couch. His head was still leaning over onto Matias but his eyes were now on the TV and one of his arms was reached over towards his daughter.

Only thirty minutes into the movie Ellie was dead asleep, and both Samuel and Matias were getting tired too.

"You're special to me too" Matias mumbled, kissing Samuel gently on the head.


It's short but it was so much fun to write!!

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