Schooled (Enid)

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Enid and Wednesday walked to their first class together. She wasn't sure how everyone would react seeing them hold hands as they walked down the hall, but the results were mixed. Wednesday ignored everybody, except for saying hi to Eugene. 

Enid spotted a few groups of new kids. A few vampires, one werewolf, and two gorgons. One of them didn't have an apparent ability that Enid could see, so she'd just have to find out later. Her blog really needed updating.

Their first class was biology, so they were walking into the room Principle Weems had died in only a few months ago. Enid shivered just thinking about it, but Wednesday didn't show any emotion as they sat down and waited for class to start. 

"Hey, Wednesday. Hi Enid." Bianca said as she passed their seats. Enid was glad that she had gotten nicer over the last few weeks at Nevermore. It was much more enjoyable to be around her now. 

"I thought you had an engagement with your mother?" Wednesday said. Bianca froze, then turned back around. 

"I resolved it." She answered.

"Glad to hear it." Wednesday replied. Enid looked between them in confusion. 

"What was that about?" Enid whispered to Wednesday as more students clamored in. 

"Her mother isn't the most supportive either." Wednesday told her. "I had a vision about it."

"Oh." Enid said. 

"Attention!" Miss Blakely yelled at the room. "Please find seats. I would like to get started right away."

When everyone was finished being seated, Miss Blakely beamed. "Welcome back to Nevermore! And an especially warm welcome to the new student in this grade, Cassandra Nyx!"

Everyone politely clapped as a girl in the back blushed and sunk lower into her seat. 

"As everyone who's been here before can tell, I'm new here." Miss Blakely continued. "I heard about the last teacher before me and I'm sorry to hear about it. But I am not her, I can assure you, and I'm also not new to teaching either. So I can see you two boys in the back talking."

Enid smiled a little as the boys looked up in surprise. 

"Now I have everyone's attention, we can get down to business." She smiled and rubbed her hands together. "Everyone can call me Miss Blakely. I'm the Orphelia Hall dorm mom and the new biology teacher, as you can tell."

Miss Blakely continued with the rules and regulations, the year's curriculum, etc. Enid occasionally looked at Wednesday, who was giving her usual glare. Her mind drifted off to the night they'd spent together and smiled, then forced herself to pay attention to the talking.

But no matter what she thought about, the fear of Wednesday turning crazy at any moment was always there. Stupid psychic visions.

- - -

Short chapter this time. Gotta introduce some things. 

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