Memories of Pain (Wednesday)

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Wednesday woke to a sharp pain in her head. 

"Wens! You're finally awake! How do you feel? What happened?" Wednesday focused her vision on Enid, who was hovering over her. Muddled memories of Enid gripping her surfaced. 

"I don't know." Wednesday said. "What happened? You know better than I do." 

"You've been asleep for two days, Wens!" Enid exclaimed, leaning over Wednesday, stopping her from sitting up in the hospital bed. She had an IV in her arm, and a monitor. What had happened? "Don't tell me you haven't felt or- or seen anything!"

"Two days?!" Wednesday pushed Enid to the side and sat. "It felt like I just fell asleep."

"But you were screaming! And talking about spiders— although that's actually pretty normal— but you were scaring me!" Enid took a shaky breath. 

Wednesday looked down. "I didn't choose for this to happen."

"I know, it's just... ugh I love you. And I don't want you to dissolve into some nut job who has to be fed their own meals. It's not you." Enid pressed her lips together.

"For the record, I probably won't have to be fed my own meals." Wednesday replied. But she reached out and hugged Enid. First time she'd done it. She'd made the first move into a hug. 

"I'm sorry, it's just it was really scaring. I thought I might have lost you for good." Enid said into Wednesday's shoulder. After a moment, Enid commented, "I guess we should let the nurse know you're awake. And sane."

"Yes." Wednesday agreed and let go of Enid. She was still trying to piece together what had happened. She'd have to get the full story from someone who was less... emotional. After Enid stepped out of find someone, Wednesday smiled to herself. She was really lucky to have her. 

Even though she was turning even more insane by the day.


Wednesday was on the clear. For now. The doctors checked her out to the best of their abilities, but to no avail. It was clear she needed an outcast, so her parents were looking around for a physic that could best help Wednesday. 

In the meantime, she'd have to be miserable.

Skin-to-skin contact was pretty much forbidden. She had to wear gloves. Students were advised to keep touching to the absolute minimum. Wednesday didn't mind a lot of it, but what she did mind was having to stop contact with Enid. No kissing, no hugs, no hand-holding. Nothing. 

It was a bad kind of miserable. 

There was only one bit of good news. Her book was now selling fast. America's new obsession with murder and crime was showing as her book had now reached 3,500 sales. Enid liked to go online and show Wednesday the social media posts about her book. Most of it was surprisingly positive, with only a few people pointing out the level of grotesque material. 

Wednesday could almost laugh at America. Finally, some respect for the morbid. And after all those bad publisher reviews. They'd deserved those mouse traps.

"Hey, Wens." Enid said, catching up to her after their last period. "I've been thinking. Do you want to go to the Weathervane with me?"

"A date?"

"Yeah! Just because we can't really have physical contact doesn't mean we can't be girlfriends. Besides, we've barely gone on any dates!" Enid dropped a book and she stopped to pick it up.

"We watched that movie together." Wednesday said.

"That was at your house!" Enid replied. "And it was a horror movie!"

"The Exorcist is a classic." Wednesday and Enid resumed walking. 

"It's terrifying. But anyway, that doesn't matter." Enid said. "Will you come to the Weathervane with me?" 

Wednesday sighed as Enid brought out her puppy eyes. As much as she hated it, she couldn't resist them. "Let me drop off my things in the dorm first."

"Yay!" Enid exclaimed, jumping. 

Ten minutes later, Wednesday found herself in the Weathervane, ordering her usual. 

"It's actually sort of weird being back here." Enid said. "Maybe this wasn't the best place to come t—"

"Enid. It's fine." Wednesday reached out with her gloved hand to Enid's hand. "If I couldn't handle memories of people who've betrayed me, I would have become insane long before this."

"Oh. Good." Enid smiled.

"I am a bit confused as to what we're going to talk about." Wednesday said. "We already see each other multiple times a day."

"Well then, we can talk about other people." Enid replied. "Did you know that Sandra, the new girl vampire, she's kissed a boy and a girl romantically in the same night?"

"How impressive." Wednesday deadpanned. 

"Oh, right, you already read my blog." Enid smiled.

"I will neither confirm nor deny that claim." Wednesday answered. 

Enid grinned wider. "I knew it!"

"Shut up."

"All right, I'll try not to hold this over you." Enid replied. "How's Eugene? I haven't really had a chance to catch up with him yet. I've been busing getting the dirt on the new kids, so I haven't had much time to."

"He's fine. His moms are checking in on him more than ever, but he's glad to be back to his bees." 

"Sounds like him. Oh, speaking of catching up, have you spoken to Xavier yet? I haven't seen him much. I heard they were doing a funeral for his brother, but he should be back by now, right?"

"Dorian doesn't deserve a funeral." Wednesday said darkly. "But you're right, I haven't seen Xavier much. Mostly in the halls. Although he might be a bit mad at me."

"Why?" Enid asked. 

"He admitted he liked me as more than a friend and I rejected him."

"Wait, when did he do this?" Enid sat up straighter. 

"Before we got together, if that's what you're worried about." Wednesday answered. "And he knows I don't feel that way for him."

"Mmhm." Enid nodded in satisfaction. "That's go—"

"Here is your order." The waiter interrupted, holding out their drinks. "Sorry for the wait, the expresso machine was on the fritz."

"Seems to do that a lot." Wednesday commented, but either the waiter didn't hear her or he just didn't respond. 

"Thanks." Enid said as she handed him the money. He left and Enid said, "I heard that. What do you mean by it seems to do that a lot?"

But Wednesday was frozen as she looked at the other side of the cafe, through the window. 

She could have sworn she saw Tyler peeking in. 

Staring at her.

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