The Plan (Wednesday)

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"Authorities will be here within minutes." Wednesday told Tyler, clutching Enid's hand. "In the meantime, we're not going anywhere."

Tyler stepped closer. He was only a few feet away now. He wore a look of betrayal on his face. "Do you really blame me for anything that's happened."

"I blame you for not resisting." Wednesday replied. "You could have done it. You're strong enough."

"Do you think I didn't care about you?" Tyler asked. His voice was angry and shaking.

"Well, did you?" Wednesday shot back.

"I did."

"Then what happened to that when you tried to kill me?" 

Tyler smiled and shook his head. "It was still there. You know Thornhill made me."

"Stop playing the nice guy, it doesn't suit you." Wednesday glared harder. Enid's hand shook in hers. "Just a minute ago you were giving us a list of who you were going to kill. I'm not an expert, but I don't think that's the definition of caring."

Tyler's smile dropped into a frown. "Now what about you. Were you joking when you kissed me?"

"I didn't think I was." Wednesday admitted, glancing at Enid. "But now I see it was never real. For either of us."

Tyler narrowed his eyes. 

"Leave." Wednesday ordered forcefully.

"Not before I finish the job." Tyler said. "And it looks like your teacher has run away, so now there is no one here to see your fresh blood. So sad."

Wednesday glanced behind her. Principle Holland was gone. That coward. Wednesday hoped she was at least getting everyone else away and calling the authorities, because her lie about them arriving any minute was getting less and less likely to be true.

"Now enough stalling." Tyler growled, starting to change and lunge. Wednesday jumped back, trying to pulling Enid with her, but Enid was leaping back at Tyler. She'd changed into her werewolf form. She was saving Wednesday. Again. Wednesday stumbled back some more as Enid and Tyler lashed at each other. She felt useless. She ran past them, narrowly missing Tyler's claws, but made it to one of the swords on display. She lifted it up and ran back. Enid scrambled back quickly before Tyler could slash her stomach, and Wednesday took the opportunity to lunge.

But the sword only grazed his chest and instead Wednesday got clawed in the face as a result of Tyler's reflexes. She retreated before he could get her again and Enid lunged again at him before he got to Wednesday.

Her face stung and she could feel drops of blood running down from the wounds. They were deep. But it was probably nothing compared to Enid. She was covered in scratches. Yet again. 

Wednesday squeezed the handle of the blade she held and aimed. She threw it at Tyler- she couldn't get close enough for anything else- and it dug into his shoulder. Enid grabbed it with her paws as best as she could and dragged it down to his chest. He roared and a loud shot rang out through the hallway. Tyler fell to the floor, changing back to his human form. Principle Holland stood yards away, holding up a small gun.

Enid turned and growled at Wednesday. Wednesday put her hands on Enid's furry face and kissed her wolf lips as they turned human. 

"Wens- Wens, I need clothes." Enid said, pulling away from the kiss. 

"Right." Wednesday pulled off her over coat she'd been wearing and gave it to Enid, who wore it like one of those jacket dresses you'd find online. Wednesday knew that because Enid had shown her during one of her shopping wishlist sprees. 

"I'm sorry that took so long. Are you two okay?" Principle Holland asked, putting a hand on each other their shoulders. 

They both nodded. 

"Let's get you to the nurse." Principle Holland took them both by the hand and started to pull them along. "Then afterwards you'll have to give your account to the police. But let's not focus on that right now."

"Where are the police?" Enid asked. 

"They should be here in a couple minutes. I called them about two minutes ago." Principle Holland told them. She looked back at them. "You're both incredibly brave."

"Um, thanks." Enid replied. Wednesday stayed silent. 

"Let's keep going, then." Principle Holland prompted, then readjusted her trip to their hands. 

Wednesday felt a surge of violent energy and the familiar feel of her neck lurching back.


Then everything made sense.

- - -

Yes it's all coming together... mwahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa. I really like doing that.

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May your week be amazing!


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