Him (Wednesday and Enid)

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"Ow, my ears!" Enid exclaimed as she tried to drag the bow to a violin across its strings. Wednesday internally cringed at the sound. It felt good to cringe. It was Enid's second week trying to learn the violin, and she sounded bad. Her bow technique was horrible.

"You have to apply pressure and keep the bow straight the whole time." Wednesday reached out and corrected Enid's hand. "Use more wrist than arm."

"I should probably get an actual violin teacher rather than learn on my own." Enid said. 

"Oh, really?" Wednesday replied sarcastically. "But you're doing so well."

Enid rolled her eyes playfully in response. "Maybe I will."

"In the meantime, try again." Wednesday sat back in her chair.

"Okay..." Enid took a deep breath and starting playing Happy Birthday. It was pretty out of tune, but not by much, and she did a slightly better job at keeping her bow straight. 

"Better." Wednesday commented. 

The door flow open and Cass entered. She eyed their matching rings, like she did every time she saw them together. Wednesday wondered if she was jealous.

"Sorry Enid, but I've got to study."  Cass said, holding up her books. "Geometry test tomorrow."

"Oh, right, I forgot about that!" Enid jumped up and set her violin down in its case. "Pick this up tomorrow, Wens?"

Wednesday nodded and they both dragged their chairs back to their desks. 

Wednesday was already ready for the test tomorrow, so she removed herself from the room to go out to the deck. She was starting to feel weird without Thing at Nevermore with her, but he hadn't come this year. Her parents didn't send him to spy, either. Arguing with Thing was fun. Now she had nothing to do.

She gazed down at the grounds of Nevermore as the sun set. Soon, it was dark. Her mind flashed to her last vision. A normal girl she'd bumped into on the street had caused it. Her brother died the next day, just as she'd seen. Smashed his head in on the bathroom sink when he slipped. 

Wednesday thought about how she might have been able to stop it. But no— she couldn't have. Last year when she'd tried to warn Rowan it hadn't worked. You can't change the future. 

The hair on the back of Wednesday's neck stood up as she glanced back down at the grass. 



Enid scratched out a line of her writing. "Ugh, what's so hard about this problem! I should be able to get this!"

"Girl, calm down. Don't go wolfing out on me." Case replied. "And it's only a study guide. It's for studying. You probably won't get that specific question on the actual test."

"I should still know it." Enid replied, rubbing her forehead. She followed Cass' gaze to the ring on her hand.

"Sorry." Cass apologized as she looked away. 

"Are you uncomfortable with these?" Enid asked. "I've noticed you've not really taken a liking to them."

"No, no." Case replied. Enid didn't really know what Cass was saying no to. "I like them fine."

"Then why do you seem so uncomfortable with them?" Enid pried. 

Case opened her mouth to answer but closed it again as the window opened and Wednesday stepped back in. Enid would have asked Cass some more, but Wednesday looked like something  was bothering her.

"What is it, Wens?" Enid asked, worried. "Did you have a vision? Are you alright?"

Wednesday looked back with a haunted stare. "I saw Tyler."

"What?!" Enid exclaimed, standing up. "In a vision?"

"No," Wednesday replied. "Here."

"You sure it just wasn't a vision?" Enid asked, her voice giving an involuntary squeak. 

Wednesday nodded.

"Wait, is Tyler the Hyde?" Case asked, looking scared. 

"Yes." Both Enid and Wednesday answered.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Case exclaimed, jumping up. "We need to tell someone!"

"Right." Enid dashed out the door, but then came right back in. "Come on, Wednesday!"

"No, you stay here." Wednesday replied, pushing her way in front of Enid. "Stay with Cassandra. You'll be safer."

"No way, you have to let me protect you. It's almost a full moon. I could probably change if I needed to protect you."

"You do enough protecting, so—"

"Oh, stop fighting! Both of you just go." Cass interrupted. Enid looked at her in surprise. 

Wednesday huffed and glared at Enid. "Fine. But don't you dare die."

"I'll try my best." Enid promised and they set off down the hall. 

"We should have gotten Principle Holland's contact information." Enid said as they rushed. "Then we wouldn't have to go through all this."

"We were fools." Wednesday replied. "We didn't think Tyler would come. We were so engaged in our fantasy that we didn't think of what could go wrong."

"What's going on?" Principle Holland asked as she opened her door to answer their knocking. 

"Tyler's here!" Enid told her. "He came!"

"He's most likely in the building by now." Wednesday added. "He was headed towards the gate when I saw him."

"We need to initiate our alarms." She said, her eyes wide. She was scared and she hadn't even seen him in action. "Quick, come in." 

"No need." Enid felt adrenaline rush as she heard Tyler's voice from behind them. She was terrified.

Tyler was here.

- - -

Oh yeah we're finally getting to some good parts!

MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA. Mwahahaha. Mwahaha. Ha.

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