The Next One (Enid and Wednesday)

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Enid walked down the hallway to bio. She felt like everyone was staring at her. Assessing her. There were no secrets at Nevermore, so everyone knew about Enid's breakdown and crazy ramblings. Instead of being in charge of the rumor mill, Enid was now the topic of the rumor mill.

Cass broke through the body of students and walked alongside Enid. At least Enid had her. At least she wasn't totally alone.

Enid almost kicked herself for thinking that as soon as she spotted Eugene. He was headed in the opposite direction, so he didn't walk with them. But he did smile, which was better than staring. He didn't pay attention to the rumor mill, though.

To be honest, Enid was starting to regret not hanging out with him more. Their schedules were completely different and he spent most of his extra time taking care of his bees, but she could still talk to him.

Her mind was still in shock, though. Everything sort of felt like a dream. She couldn't really tell what was real anymore.

Cass had explained to her what had happened the night she passed out. The head was another hallucination. It wasn't there when Cass ran out, and she hadn't noticed any evidence of a car. But the car had to be real. It had to. Enid couldn't believe it was just her head making it up. 

She tried to shove the thoughts out of her head as she stepped into the bio room. She had to get through school first. Then she would focus all her being into finding Wednesday.

But then Enid froze as she looked up.

Wednesday was there.


It's working...

Just keep going, it's working, you're getting to her.

Yes, that's it, keep going.

Wednesday's eyes flew open and she gasped. She felt compelled to go back under whatever that overwhelming feeling had been, but she forced herself to ignore it. Her vision wasn't working properly- everything looked black. But she couldn't focus on that. She had to fight that feeling.

Wednesday shivered as a wave of cold hit her, biting her lip to distract her from the restless tingling that was spreading throughout her body. She fought to focus on where the cold was coming from, and found her temples. Her vision cleared and searing light pierced her corneas. After a second, she saw what was happening. 

A masked woman was standing before her, holding Wednesday's temples with her hands. For the first time, Wednesday could see the room they were in. It was white. Blinding white. The door in the corner was shut on locked, at least, the lock on that side was locked. And the boy was no where to be found.

Don't you want to know? You can go back, you can reach her, a voice said in her head. I know you want to.

"Whatever you're doing, it's not working." Wednesday told the woman, glaring. She felt an itch in the back of her mind, telling her to go back and do what the voice said, but Wednesday forced her obsessive mind to do what it did best: obsess. "What was that? What are you doing?"

"You almost reached it!" The woman exclaimed, frustrated. She removed her hands from Wednesday's temples, the icy temptation going with them.

"Reached what? What are you?" Wednesday asked.

"Don't worry about it," The woman answered. "He'll be here soon, anyway."

"He?" Wednesday pressed, but the woman just shoved a blindfold back over Wednesday's eyes and the sound of her heels on the floor faded away.

 - - -

I feel like the writing style I use on this story keeps on changing. Idk. Anyway, vote, comment, and follow me! Also, if you haven't, check out some of  marvelsbff 's stories!

Love you!


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