This is it -FINALLY- (Wednesday)

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Three days ago:

Wednesday gasped awake. She was still processing the images she'd seen. After her vision cleared, she realized she lay in a hospital bed. She sat up and reached up to an odd sensation on her face. She felt the deep scratches and remembered what had happened.

Enid. She needed to get to Enid. To tell her what was happening. What she needed to do.

She started to throw off the sheets, but a nurse walked in.

"Oh, you're awake!" She exclaimed. "Good!"

"I'm going." Wednesday told her, then proceeded to climb out of the bed without waiting for an answer.

"I'm afraid you're going to have to stay here for now." The nurse insisted, blocking Wednesday's path. "We have to make sure you're mentally stable."

"Don't make me hurt you." Wednesday threatened. "I need to go. Now."

"First, before you go, what did you see?" The nurse asked. "We know all about your psychic abilities, and it might provide us with some insight as to why-"

"I saw a reason for me to go and warn Enid and my family!" Wednesday was running out of patience. "Now leave before I decide I can escort myself out."

"We can't let you leave." The nurse said again.

Wednesday decided they'd played with words enough. She reached out and twisted the nurse's arm, sending her crashing against the wall. Wednesday strode out of the door, but before she was even five feet out, she felt a cloth pressed over her mouth and she lost consciousness.


Wednesday woke up to a single thought: this better not be another group of amateurs.

No, she found. Her wrists were expertly tied and it was surprisingly hard to move. A blindfold covered her eyes so she couldn't see, but there was no gag. They were either in a sound-proof room, or they were miles from civilization. She could hear someone else's breathing.

"Who's there?" Wednesday asked.

"Who are you?" An unfamiliar voice responded.

"I'm not sure I want to share that information." Wednesday responded.

"Well then, I won't either."

Wednesday could hear a hint of fear in the person's voice. She could tell it was a boy.

After a moment of silence, the boy spoke up again. "Do you know what's going on?"

"Yes. To an extent."

"So they took you because you found out. Well? What's going on?"

Wednesday paused, then decided she might as well explain, at least for as long as it takes her to untie the complicated knots. She was getting nowhere, and she considered herself an expert. "This is some sort of crime ring. They blackmail. They kidnap. Is your family rich?"


"Well, that's why you're here." Wednesday said, taking only the sound of his breathing as a yes. "I don't know what they're doing here, but it has something to do with their connections to the Addams family." She was careful not to reveal who she was.

"What's gonna happen to us?"

"We'll probably die." Wednesday answered, then realized she was probably scaring the poor kid. "Maybe."

His breathing got faster. He was panicking. Wednesday shushed him so she could hear. Just in time, because the footsteps of an approaching person were sounding on the floor. Wednesday dropped her fingers away from the knots on her wrists.

"Wednesday Addams." Another unfamiliar voice said. Wednesday tilted her head upward to where the voice was coming from. "Tell us what you know."

- - -

Figured it was time to reveal SOME of what's happening. You're welcome.


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