Missing (Enid)

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After Wednesday lurched back into her vision, she didn't come back. She was still in her coma, in the hospital.

Enid was worried. What if she wouldn't wake up again? The doctors had said the strain of the day might have gotten to her and that's why she hadn't woken up yet, but Enid wasn't sure. Wednesday wasn't easily scared. 

But then, in the back of Enid's mind, she was suspicious. It was probably because of spending a lot of time with Wednesday. 

Enid hadn't seen Wednesday since two days ago, which was one day after Tyler's return. She'd been called to therapy— new orders from Principle Holland— and soon found herself too busy to see Wednesday. She's even tried to sneak out after curfew, but she was caught right away. She wasn't good at sneaking. It didn't help she'd forgotten to put her phone on silent. 

Eugene had seen Wednesday yesterday and told Enid she was fine, but Enid was still being unnecessarily paranoid. She felt as though the world was trying to keep them apart. 

She was in PE, sweating in the heat, when Principle Holland herself came out to pull Enid out. She brought Enid over to the side of the field she'd just been running around.

"Enid, we have some news." She said. 

"Did Wednesday wake up?" Enid asked hopefully. 

"I'm afraid not." Principle Holland answered. 


"Before I tell you, you have to promise to do whatever I say. You cannot disobey my orders." 

Enid gulped, surprised by how dark Principle Holland's tone was. "O-okay. What is it? Did something bad happen?"

"Wednesday's disappeared a couple hours ago." Principle Holland told Enid.

"Wait, what?" Enid's body tensed. Her mind raced.

"There's a good chance she might have been confused and run off somewhere. We have the police searching for her right now. We'll find her very soon."

"That doesn't sound like her!" Enid protested. "She'd never run off like that!"

"She might have been having one of her insane fits." Principle Holland calmly explained, placing her hands on Enid's shoulders. 

"How can you be so calm?" Enid asked, pushing her hands off her shoulders. "She could be in trouble!"

"Tyler Galpin is dead. Laurel Gates is still in a cell. Everyone else who might want to do harm to Wednesday is no longer here!" She replied. "Who else is there? No one. So I think it's safe to assume Wednesday simply ran off."

Enid seethed. Why would Principle Holland be so sure of this? It was like her to assume the best of something, but she should be more worried about this.

This was Enid's girlfriend on the line!

"Can I at least go to her hospital room, she might have left a tiniest clue..." Enid tried, but Principle Holland shook her head. 

"You should focus on your studies, Enid." She said. "That's what Wednesday would want you to do until she is found."

"I don't think you know what she would want." The sentence came out more venomous than Enid had intended. "... sorry. I just don't think you do."

"It's all right, Enid. It's understandable to be overly-worried about someone. But she's only been gone a few hours, and we'll focus on it more seriously if we don't find her in a day or so."

"A day or so? I always thought that 24 hour rule was stupid!"

"It's a perfectly fine rule." Principle Holland answered. "The only reason the police are involved already is because she has an unstable mind. She might be a danger to herself and others. But don't worry, they'll find her."

"Oh because their perfect system is so good at finding people." Enid said sarcastically, letting out a hysterical giggle. Honestly, who thought Wednesday ran off? And if she was insane, Enid didn't think she would run well enough to not be found already. 

"Just try to stay calm, Enid." Principle Holland told her. "Try not to tell anyone else. There's no need for people to worry yet. After the 24 hours are up, then people can know. Okay?"

Enid gulped. "Okay." She grudgingly agreed. 


A few days later, Enid was howling at the full moon. She crashed through the woods, ignoring the pieces of wood that were stuck in her paws. 

Wednesday was still missing. Enid was furious, and worried. She'd taken out some of her emotions on a couple innocent trees a few minutes earlier, which was how some splintered wood had gotten in between her claws. 

She'd tried her best to find Wednesday. She'd gone off with a search party in her free time. She'd managed to sneak into Wednesday's hospital room, but there was nothing. 

Enid was lost. What if Wednesday was hurt? What if she was in danger? Oh shit, what if she was dead already?

Enid roared as she attacked a branch. The bark ripped off into her mouth and she spit it out. 

"Aaarrggghhh!" Enid yelled. She was about to pound a bush into the ground when her nose picked up a scent. She lowered her face to the ground to sniff, and followed the smell. A few feet away, something red glinted in the moonlight. Enid froze, then sniffed it again for good measure.


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