Until (Wednesday)

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Wednesday forced her eyes shut. Come on, Enid, she thought, you can do this. I can do this. She took a deep breath. This had to work. They'd found a way to sort of control her psychic abilities together, so they had to have another connection other than just their romantic relationship.

She tried to relax herself, but it wasn't working. She was still tied to the chair and, to be honest, her arms were killing her. It was like being in her stretcher, except she'd been in it for the past 47 hours. It was distracting.

Wednesday tried to ignore it the best she could. She didn't know how to channel her psychic abilities, so she awkwardly snapped her head back. Nothing.

It was embarrassing how low she'd sunk.

She pictured Enid. Her almost unbearable amount of positivity. Her smile. The way she said "Wens". They'd done so much together. They defeated Tyler twice. They'd defeated Laurel and Christina. They had to defeat these people too.

Wednesday fingered the promise ring Enid had given her.

Then she felt her head snap back.


The woman walked into the room, taking pleasure with how her heels clicked on the floor. She grinned as she swaggered past the boy.

What a stupid little boy.

Her smile dropped when she saw the girl. The snarky one. The one who'd refused to tell them anything. They had no idea if she knew their deepest secret. But they couldn't torture her. Not yet, at least.

But her head was back in a very painful-looking position, almost like she'd snapped her neck. And she knew what that meant.

"Hey!" The woman yelled. She smacked the side of the girl's head, though she knew it wouldn't do anything. This was bad. They'd done the best they could to prevent it. But it obviously hadn't worked. She removed the blindfold off the girl's face and blew on her eyes, hoping the trick might work on this one.

It did.

The girl's eyes flew open and she gasped. Her head would have snapped forward, except for the woman's hard grip on her temple. She quickly shoved the girl's head down, knowing it would disorient her even more. Her mind spun. She'd never seen anything like this before, and she'd seen a lot.

The woman wouldn't have been surprised if not for the girl's eyes. Before they were black. Now they were...



Enid staggered to the bed, no longer wary of Cass. The shock of her own vision was wearing off and she realized Cass couldn't be lying about Wednesday's phone call. So it probably wasn't likely she was involved.

"Are you okay?" Cass asked, making sure Enid didn't fall.

"I'm sorry," Enid said. "I realize you weren't lying. You were just acting so weird..."

"I know. I'm sorry too." Cass replied. "The thing is... Principle Holland was my aunt. When she got this job she was able to pull some strings so I wouldn't have to pay to attend Nevermore. I guess I never told anyone we were family. After a while it just seemed like something I could keep a secret."

Enid felt really stupid. "Oops."

"Now what about what just happened?" Cass exclaimed. "Aren't you freaked? How did you do that?"

"I don't know." Enid said. But she had a feeling Wednesday was watching. Listening.

Trying to tell her something very, very important.

- - -

I'm so sorry this took me a while to update! A ton of things popped up and I didn't have time to get on for a while. But I finally wrote the next chapter, as you can see.

I don't know how long it'll be till the next update, but hopefully it'll at least be in the next week. Thank you for understanding!


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