0) Prologue

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Updates every Friday at 10 am (US Time) in case some of ya'll skipped the info ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Y/n comes from the modern world. There she had a beautiful and loving family, but tragedy struck. Both her parents were killed, along with her older brother in an accident.

What happened, died with them, drowning as their car sank. Alone, you decided to push past your grief and restore your normal life, but that was no easy feat.

Years have passed, and you found a job with a steady income and lived a peaceful life. You had even found someone you have come to trust and love. The grief was still there. And no matter what you tried, it only seemed to grow. It was even more unbearable when you realized the horrible truth. The man you loved was only using you.

He only stayed for the wealth that your family left behind. His plan was to marry Y/n and then kill her. He'd be taking all the money, along with your life.

And that was the breaking point. Unable to take it anymore, you wanted to end everything. Right then and there, but thankfully you were able to latch onto hope.

[Warning: Brief Mention of Suicide]

"Child, what are you doing?" Y/n looked back to see her neighbor, an old lady who was always kind to you.

"I can't live anymore. I've lost my meaning," you mumbled, legs swinging from the edge of the roof.

She smiled, catching you off guard as she placed a hand over yours.

"I might know someone who could help."

She told you of a lovely shaman that had helped her, and you decided to visit the shaman. She told you to take a specially made medicine before you went to bed at midnight with no moon in the starry sky.

Following her instructions, you waited a week for the new moon.

Y/n stared at the milky white liquid, thinking if she should trust the shaman's words. You trusted your neighbor but shamans and the unnatural were a different story.

Sighing, you downed the medicine. Please let this work, Y/n thought as she swallowed the sickly-sweet liquid. A few minutes ticked by, and you suddenly broke out sweating.

You tugged on your shirt collar, your mouth going dry. You tried to get up, but your legs collapsed from under you.

A coughing fit took over as you doubled over. Blood splattered your hand and tiles, your vision blurring. You squeezed your eyes shut, cursing yourself for trusting her.

You tried to get up, call the police, or do anything that could help you. Y/n's eyes glared at the counter that felt miles away. Your phone is sitting there, just out of view. Your arm felt like dead weight, but you rallied the last of your energy and reached for the device.

Just as you clasped the cold metal, a thought froze your actions. Everything goes white around you as the surroundings fade away.

I can see my family again.

Your hand fell, taking the phone with it. Y/n collapsed on the ground as the phone crashed against the tiles. Your eyes slowly closed, and you took your last breath.

I'm coming...mom, dad...big bro. I'll see you soon.


A gasp sounded as someone shouted. "She's up!" Eyes fluttered open, revealing a striking e/c color with flecks of gold shining in the light. They closed shut from the brightness. Soft grass tickled your hands and neck.

"Hey, you still with us?" You were about to reply, but the world started spinning as someone shook you. "I THINK WE'RE LOSING HER!"

"Knock it off, Outrider!" Someone protested, a male this time. Strong hands pulled you into a sitting position, pressing something cool against your lips.

"Drink this." Your lips parted, and you let the cool liquid wash away the dryness in your throat.

You heard the man scoff under his breath. "Knights of Favonius, inefficient as always," he grumbled, pulling the flask away.

You wanted more, and the request was at the tip of your tongue. "You shouldn't drink so fast, or you'll choke," he interrupted.

Your eyes snapped open, and the sun immediately shined its treacherous light straight into them. You winced but slowly opened your eyes again.

Long red hair and equally red eyes greeted you. It took you a second to realize you were practically sitting in his lap and, another, that his face was a bit too close.

Y/n tried to move away, but his arm around your shoulders didn't let you so much as budge.

"I wonder how long she was out for?" Your eyes traveled to another male with an eye patch. Blue hair pulled into a ponytail.

His eye met yours, and he smirked. "Mind answering?"

"I don't know," you mumbled, still thinking this was some dream you were in. You really just wanted to hurry up and unite with your family.

"You don't seem to be injured." Another female with brown hair announced as she crouched near you. This must be the Outrider this one was talking to, Y/n thought, glancing at the red-haired male.

"Think you can sit on your own?" You nodded as he removed his arm. You took in your surroundings.

Lush grass blanketed the ground, and giant trees grew around the clearing. Strange structures were scattered around as well. Something that looked like a watch tower to the left and a poorly made tent. A wall that went up to your waist surrounded the area, half destroyed.

"What were you doing at a hilichurls camp?" You blinked, a hili-what-now? "I have no clue how I ended up here," you instead said, thinking that these hilichurls were common. And only an idiot wouldn't know what they were. Not that you had a clue.

"Enough with the questions, Calvery Captain. We should take her to Mondstat for now."

You blinked as they began to head out. Your head tilted as you watched in confusion. Mond-what now?


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