29) Otherworldly

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Y/n stares down in surprise as Zhongli's amber eyes lock with yours, not at all bashful despite what he had just said.

You, on the other hand, were definitely flustered. "I-I um." You look away as you fist the bedsheets. "Then I'll...call you that..Zhongli," you said softly, and he smiled warmly.

"I'd like that," he beams, which caught you by surprise since he never seemed that expressive, other than his casual smiles. "Then may I call you Y/n?" he asks. You blink and chuckle softly, and you lean a bit closer. "Of course, there's really no need to ask."

A knock sounds at the door, and one of the servants walks in. "The bath is ready for the Young Miss," she says, and Zhongli rises.

"You should wash up and rest. It is still dark out and will be so for a few more hours," he adds, and you simply nod. "Alright, good night, Zhongli," you reply, and he smiles again before leaving.

"May you have pleasant dreams, Y/n."

Once outside, the servant was about to ask when he suddenly braced a hand against the wall. She leans over and flinches in surprise at her master's flushed face.

She quickly turns away and walks down the hall. I have seen nothing, she thinks.


"You're already working?"

Y/n glances up and sees Zhongli walk in with a tray of tea. He sets one before you as you continue writing. "Yeah, I'm trying to write down all the information on the case that I can remember from the top of my head," you explain as he takes a seat across from you. "Since it all burned up in that fire," you mumble, absently mindedly, focused on the paper. "Hmm, I'll need to...compensate the Millelith for that."

Zhongli hums and watches you from the corner of his eye as he takes a sip. "Do not push yourself," he says after a moment.

You pause and smile up at him. "Of course." He smiles as he gets up, and you go back to your work. "That means drinking the tea I brought you, Y/n," he scolds lightly, pressing your cup against your cheek.

"Ack!" You lean back and pout. "Fine, a break wouldn't hurt," you sigh, accepting the cup. He gives you a knowing smile and sits back down.

Zhongli had given you a room as an office to allow you to work on the case. It was a simple but lavish room with a bedroom and office split by a beautifully carved archway. The entire mansion was extravagant, and you felt bad for imposing, but you've already had that argument, and it ended, with you losing. The two enjoy the tea in silence when you decide to try again.

"So, Mr. Zhongli."

No answer. This guy didn't even bother opening his eyes. You blink in confusion but then realize. Oh, right, you think, blushing softly.


He reacted almost immediately and smiled in your direction. "Yes, Y/n?"

You repress a chuckle and smile. "I'm going to go out for a bit to clear my mind," you answer. Zhongli smiles as he takes a sip of the tea. "There's no need to tell me. You may do as you wish," he says, setting the cup down. "I merely implore you to be careful." You blink in surprise and beam as you get out of your seat.

"Then I'll be back."


Y/n paces through the harbor, trying to fill in the gaps in the case. It was eerie how the children vanished without any trace remaining. It was almost as if they were never there, to begin with, not to mention that their families didn't even realize until days or even weeks later.

You tap your chin in thought. Why was that? You had spoken with all the families involved, and their words were truly puzzling. Parents would know right away when their child suddenly disappears, yet days had passed before they had realized.

Your chest suddenly clenched when you realized something. "The kids that were taken, could it be...that they weren't...cared for?" you mumble. Your brows furrowed as you scoffed under your breath, and you replay their words.

"My child disappeared?" the woman asked, raising a brow. "Which one...Oh, that one." Something flashed in her eyes as she crossed her arms. "I'm sure there's no reason to worry she'll come back if she knows her place."

"Ha, that brat was a nuisance anyway," the man scoffs. "Couldn't even lift a bucket of coal to relight a fire," he grumbles. Your eyes flash in surprise as you grit your teeth. "He is your son, sir." "Ha, a son, you say?" He merely laughed, walking away.

"That child would be better off away from that family of hers," the old lady mumbles, shaking her head softly. "Much, much better."

You bristle, glaring down at the tiled path. To think those children were suffering because of their parents, you seethe.

The relationship between a child and their parents is often considered one of the most important and influential relationships in a person's life. It's the child's first experience of forming a bond with another human being, and it sets the stage for how they will interact with others throughout their life. However, when this relationship is challenged or disrupted, it can be a very difficult and heartbreaking experience for the child.

If their behavior towards the child is hurtful or abusive in some way. It can leave the child feeling alone, confused, and unsure of how to navigate even in life itself.

You let out a breath, trying to calm yourself. "Someone seems angered." You blink and look up, your expression softening into a smile. "Ah, Mr. Fu Yao," you greet, walking over to the retired soldier.

"What seems to have gotten you so worked up?" he asks, patting the spot next to him. You sit down and stretch out your legs. "I just figured out something a bit disturbing about the case I told you about," you answer, leaning back on your palms.

"Is that so?"

You hum. "Regardless, I really don't understand why someone would do such a thing." He turns to you. "What makes you think it's a person doing this?" You blink in surprise and look up. He smiles softly. "There could be some...other force at play," he adds.

Your eyes widen. "Are you saying...that it could be the ploy of an unnatural being?" you breathe, causing Fu Yao to nod. You quickly stand and pace softly, a hand under your chin. "I never even thought about that," you mumble. "That could explain how they were able to do it without a trace." Your voice slowly gets higher and higher the more you think. "Actually, that would explain so much!" you exclaim, a small grin curling at your lips. So many weeks of dead ends and restless hours. Now, you felt like there was finally a way to turn this around. You turn to the retired Millelith and smile. "Thank you very much, Fu Yao, sir!" you exclaim and bow before him.

He chuckles, waving his hand. "I'm glad I was of some help," he chides. "I believe you have somewhere to be, no?" You smile and nod softly, quickly leaving the courtyard he always sat in. If there was anyone who knew of the otherworldly beings of Liyue, it would be Zhongli.

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