27) Rest

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The surface of the water ripples until a small whirlpool forms. From its center, the water converges and forms a snake-like figure. It tilts its head as small fins flick in interest. The ancient god had heard a commotion on the beach, and out of pure boredom, went to investigate.

He watches as a human, a girl at that, battles a group of military officers. He can't help but mentally laugh at the soldiers getting completely demolished by a girl. Heh, Morax's forces have grown weak, he thinks, and speaking of the devil.

He tilts his head up and takes note of the figure watching from overhead. The sea monster sneers, the waves surging briefly as his watery eyes glare. So, he's taken an interest in this girl? I'll gladly take advantage of that, he thinks, his eyes lingering on you before he disappears, becoming one with the water again.


"Zhongli, where's Y/n~" Hu Tao wines, leaning back in her chair. Zhongli, who had been walking by, walks over to her. "I'm not quite sure, Director Hu," he says softly.

It's been around a week since you first stopped by, and you would occasionally drop by. Since Hu Tao had wanted you to visit in case anything came up. You had swung by a few days prior, but it seems the Director already misses you.

She blows a raspberry as she rests her head in her hand. "I want her to hurry up and come back!" she grumbles. Zhongli chuckles. "Well, I'm sure she is very busy with the case of the missing children."

She blinks and leans back. "Hmm~ That's true. I wish there was a way we could help," she adds, and he nods in agreement.

"Yes, but there is something that has been bothering me," he muses, causing Hu Tao to perk up. "I had actually met her on the streets one time," he drawls, his fingers cupping his chin as he remembers. "I believe she was investigating one of the scenes."

He recalls that Y/n stood with a few guards, talking with someone who lived in the area, when Zhongli noticed her.

"Well, good evening, Miss. Y/n," he greets, and you perk up at the familiar voice. You smile softly. "Mr. Zhongli! It's very nice to see you again," you say as he joins your little group. "Working on the case, I see," he says, and you nod, giving him a close-eyed smile.

His amber eyes narrow when he sees the dark circles under your eyes, your words about the woman you were talking about, going from one ear and out the other.

Zhongli cups your cheek, his thumb running under your eye. "You seem tired," he whispers, causing you to flinch. You quickly step back, his hand still lingering in the air. "R-really? Nah, I'm perfectly fine," you stammer, waving your hand as you chuckle awkwardly.

He furrows his brows as he leans back to his full height, his hand folding into his sleeves. "When was the last time you slept, Miss. Y/n?" he asks, his words soft but firm.

You glance to the side. "I took a nap this morning, but I'm fine really, Mr. Zhongli," you assure, not assuring him in the least.

"She seemed very...burned out," Zhongli explains, recalling his own worried thoughts after the two went opposite ways. Hu Tau nods at his words. "I heard the Millelith saying the same. Apparently, she spent an entire day and night going over files about the missing children and trying to find any similarities."

His eyes widen. "I...wasn't aware of that," he mumbles. Hu Tao nods as she crosses her arms and closes her eyes momentarily. "It won't be long until she passes out from exhaustion at this rate," she adds. Zhongli furrows his brows in worry. "Please excuse me." Footsteps suddenly rush away, and Hu Tao blinks as Zhongli suddenly leaves. She smiles softly and leans back, before frowning. "Great, now I'm bored!" she grumbles, stretching her arms and legs like a starfish before flopping back onto the chair with a groan.

Zhongli walked hastily down the streets, his robes swishing from the sudden movement. What the Director had said caught him by surprise, and he felt a pit formed in his gut. He closed his eyes trying to figure out where you would be at this time. He walked across a bridge, and a sudden light hit his eyes, causing him to pause.

He turned towards the light where the sun set over the ocean. Its light cast a bright glow across the waters and painted the sky a beautiful spread of colors as night fell. His amber eyes reflected brightly in the light of the sun, a sharp gust of wind tugging at his robes.

A familiar scent wafted with the breeze, and he felt his shoulders relax. "She'd be at home right now," he breathes. He tilts his head and closes his eyes as he chuckles softly. "You seem to have calmed me, friend," he whispers, and the wind whips his robes as it swirls around him again.

Zhongli knocks on your door and hears a come-in before he lets himself in. The hallway of the single-bedroom house was dark but he could see light trickling from a door that was barely open.

He takes his shoes off, and walks through the darkness, and gently opens the door.

Y/n sat at a desk, papers cluttering its surface as you read over them. A hand was pressed against your temple as your eyes went over the content. "Did you get the—" E/c eyes widen slightly when you see that the newcomer wasn't the Millelith you had sent out to retrieve a folder you left in the office. "Oh? Mr. Zhongli, I wasn't expecting you," Y/n says as she sets the papers down and turns to him with a small smile. "To what do I owe the honor?" Zhongli studies your face. The dark circles he'd last seen weren't present, but from your tone, you were still pretty tired.

He steps closer and kneels in front of you, catching you off guard. "Mr. Zhongli?" you mutter, confused as you lean forward slightly.

"May you do me a small favor, Y/n?" he asks softly, your eyes widening at him saying your name without the usual formalities he used. Regardless, you nod, not thinking too much about it. Not that you could with how much your mind was muddled with all the information you had gathered.

His expression was serious, and his usual half-smile was absent. "Please close your eyes until I count to ten." You tilt your head at the odd request but nod. It wasn't hard, but you weren't sure where he was going with this.

Y/n sits a bit straighter and closes her eyes.

"One." Zhongli's deep and husky whisper echoes in the small room as he begins counting. "Two." His amber eyes never leave your figure as he continues. "Three." He pauses there and smiles knowingly.

Y/n was still sitting in the same position, but her head had begun to dip. H/c locks swayed slightly as your breathing leveled out. To him, in that moment, you looked ethereal as you slept. Each lock seemed to sparkle in the light of the room, your skin was a bit pale, but it looked so soft. His eyes trail a bit lower to your parted lips.

Soft rosy pink lips that seemed so kissable in that moment, but he held himself back.

There was a time and place for such feelings, and he had all the time in the world.

Zhongli got up from his kneeling position and gently rested your head against his chest. His arm then looped under your legs, and he carried you to your bed.

The bustling city of Liyue Harbor slowly started to go quiet. Merchants, civilians, the Millelith all calling it a day.

"The market is closed, and the port has settled," he says softly as he gently sets you down and pulls the covers over your sleeping form. "Get some rest." After blowing out the light he pauses before leaving and stares down at you.

He brushes h/c locks away from your face and presses a soft kiss against your forehead.

"And may your dreams be filled with happiness and laughter."

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