19) A Pact

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A sudden bang echoes throughout the library. A certain h/c-ette sat in one of the chairs, head on the table. "Ugh, I can't believe I felt that!"


You had felt jealous when Ganyu had come by with Mr. Zhongli's letter, and you hated it. You quickly lifted your head, forehead slightly red. "I feel so stupid," you mumble, leaning back and staring at the ceiling.

The Rite of Descension was two weeks from now. So you need to stay focused on your mission. From your trip to the harbor, you had figured out that no one seemed to want to talk about it, just as Mr. Zhongli had stated in his letter. Other than a few dates when they were said to have gone missing. Your only lead was this Funeral Parlor.

Your mind flashed back to when Xiao had lost control. "Hmm, he mentioned blood both times," you thought out loud. You rose and go to the shelves full of books. Searching the titles, your hand clasped a red book, pulling it off the shelf. You shuffle through the pages as you sit down again. The book helped you understand more about the Adepti, Geo Archon, and other unnatural beings.

Finding the chapter about Yakshas, you began reading. Most of the information you had already read about, so you decided to skim through it until you found what you were looking for.

Human blood is known as a weakness and strength. When the blood of a mortal is consumed a pact is formed with a Yaksha. The mortal will not realize it, but their lives are connected to the Yaksha.

The Yaksha will no longer be affected by their karmic dept when around their mortal. This fact is not known to be true since no Yaksha has made a pact, but it is very likely.

Y/n blinks after reading the passage. You snap the book shut, your face blank. You put the book back and flopped back onto the chair. "Well fuck."


"XIAO!" Y/n paces around the Inn in search of the Yaksha. You sighed, but it sounded more like a growl when he was nowhere to be found. "Just where is he?"

"What is it, human?"

You whirl around, frown evident, which catches him off guard. "Do you know what it means when you bit my hand?" you ask, not taking any chances with beating around the bush. He blinks, crossing his arms as he sighs. "I don't know what you mean. Is there any significance to it?"

You blink. Did Xiao not know what it meant? "Then what compelled you to do it?" you ask. He merely shrugs. "I don't know."

You stare at him in shock and confusion and slightly pissed. "What do you mean you don't know? You know you just made a pact with me!" He blinks, his eyes wide before narrowing.

"Impossible. I only follow Rex Lapis and no one else." You shake your head. "No, it's not like that. The book said something about helping the karmic dept, and I was wondering what that was?" As you ask this, Xiao stiffens, his hands curling into a fist. "Where did you learn that term," he asks curtly.

You tilt your head. "The book?" you answer, confused by his change in demeanor. What was shocking was that you had noticed, given that he always had that poker face.

"Show me."

Not thinking much about it, you were about to lead him to the library when his hand clasped your shoulder and teleported the pair there. You blink, his sense of urgency making you feel nervous and worried. Why is he in such a rush? Y/n thinks as she walks to the shelf where the book is.

Your fingers trail over the familiar titles until you reach the end, causing you to blink. You recheck the row and then the rest of the shelf. Now you were even more confused, and with Xiao watching you like a hawk, your heart was hammering in your ears.

"I don't know where it is," you mumble, not meeting his eyes. You heard a sigh as he stepped into your line of sight, his amber eyes trailing over the books. "Was it that red one you would often read?" he asks to which you nod.

Silence followed until he spoke again. "The karmic dept is a weakness of the yakshas. It's what led my brothers and sisters to their deaths."


This is a touchy subject, you thought, biting your lips. Maybe I shouldn't push him.

"Is that so...well, at least I can lessen that dept," you mumbled as you tried to think of a topic change. Xiao watched curiously, a smile tugging on his lips as he understood what you were trying to do. She's very perspective, he thought as he turned away.

"Instead of wasting time looking for this book, let us train instead." As he spoke, black tendrils and bits of anemo swirled around the two as he teleported to an open plain.

You sighed in relief, glad for the topic change, but it quickly morphed into dread. Wait, we're training! You heard a soft laugh and snapped your attention to the adepti.

"What are you laughing at?" you pout before your eyes widen.


The gold flecks in your eyes flashed as you stared in awe as you realized the yaksha before you had laughed. "You laughed," Y/n breathes, causing him to blink and look away. "I did not," he states darkly, but you notice his cheeks was red behind his hand.

"Aw~ is the little Yaksha blushing?" you tease, smirking behind your hand. Xiao turned to you with a glare as he smirked. "I think it's about time we start your training, human." His eyes spark with mischief. "I'll be sure to give your needed punishment for slacking."

You begin to sweat, your hand trembling as you raise it. "Um, h-how about going easy on me?" He crosses his arms and huffs.

"No chance, human."

You deflate at your coming doom. "I am so dead," you grumble.

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