1) A New Mission

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Y/n smiled at the memory of their first meeting. Now Dilluc, Kaeya, and Amber were close friends of hers. Not that Dilluc would admit it, but when he does, it's safe to assume the world's coming to an end.

You made your way up the flight of stairs, heels clicking against the tile. "Look who's back." You turned to Kaeya, Dilluc with him.

"Surprised to see you two together," Y/n remarked, smiling as the pair drew closer.

"Master Jean had something to discuss." Dilluc folded his arms, glaring at his brother. "And this one—"

"I'm going to grab a drink care to join?" Kaeya interrupted. "As much as I would like to, I have to finish my repo—" His arm looped around yours as he smirked. "Great, let's go!" he exclaimed, dragging you away.

You sighed. I guess that report will have to wait.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" You raised an eyebrow at Dilluc, who stood behind the counter, cleaning a cup. Kaeya was passed out on the table, mumbling something. "Your mission in Liyue," he clarified.

Your eyes flashed in surprise as you shot out of the stool. "In Liyue?!" His eyes widened slightly, his hands stopping, "You didn't know?"

You sat back down. "I'm just hearing about it." You stare expectantly, hoping to know more. Dilluc read your expression and sighed.

"All I know is that you are to help the Liyue Qixing investigate something." He was going to continue but stopped, turning away to place the cup on the shelf.

You waited for him to continue, but he stayed quiet. He still kept his back towards you. "There's more that you know, isn't there?" You pressed as the minutes passed in silence. He wouldn't turn to you, as he adds quietly. "You'll be gone for a few months." You suck in a breath. "Months? What am I investigating?" Dilluc finally turns to you, frowning.

"The Grand Master wants you to get accustomed to Liyue's culture. You'll be leaving three months before the descent of Rex Lapis." You blinked, accustomed? Why would I need to do that? And that jerk has never shown his face! Your face twists in a scowl as you grit your teeth. How dare he give orders when Jean is working her ass off as 'acting' grand master!

"I don't know anything about the investigation itself," he added. You nod, staring silently at the counter, calming yourself. Dilluc watches your blank expression with a frown.

He sighs and flicks your forehead. "Didn't you always want to go to Liyue?"

"Of course!" Your eyes brighten as you imagine the harbor, ruins, and breathtaking view of the stars and towering cliffs at night. "But I'll be gone for three months, maybe even longer. I'll," Y/n trails off, wanting to say that she won't be able to see them.

Dilluc smiled, "Enjoy yourself, Y/n. We're only a Waypoint away." You smiled. "Yeah, I'll try," you mumbled back.


"Honorary Knight, Y/n L/n." Jean looked down at the girl. You had a hand over your chest and on one knee. "I wish you well on your journey to Liyue, and I thank you again for helping in this investigation."

You rose from your kneeling position. You both share a smile as Jean sheathed her sword. Apparently, it was a knight thing where they tap the blade on your shoulder. A way to ward off evil, I guess. Jean bid you farewell and blessings of the anemo archon. You return it, still undecided.

Dilluc was right. You've wanted to visit Liyue for so long. And this was your chance, even if you're staying longer than you intended.

You clench your fist and turn, walking away.

You made a bee-line for the outer wall, not wanting to run into anyone. They already knew you would be gone and that you'd return. But that didn't make it any easier.

So, when you saw them all gathered at the gate, you wanted to turn away. Scaling the wall sounds like a better idea right now, you thought.

Amber perked up when she spotted you and appeared at your side just as you turned. "Y/n!"

So close!

She stared into your eyes as you awkwardly stood there. "Hey, are you—"

"Man, I thought we missed you," Kaeya interrupted, draping an arm around your shoulders. He gave an exaggerated sigh as Dilluc joined the group. "FYI, this one took forever to come. How rude, am I right?"


Dilluc sighs and snaps at Kaeya to let you go as he steps closer. "Still not happy?" You nod your head, then shake it. Eventually, you sighed and mumbled, "I don't know."

Y/n felt his hand on her head as he leaned closer. His stern red eyes stared directly into yours as his face was inches away from yours.

"Y/n, you're coming back."

Your eyes widen, tears threatening to fall. "B-but, I'll—"

"Yes, you'll be gone for a few months. But we'll see each other again." The firmness in his tone washed away the emotions clogging your throat.

You've known these three ever since you showed up in this world. The thought of not seeing them, even for just a day, made your heart ache.

"Lighten up, Y/n. We'll be together again in the future," Amber chimed in. You glanced at her as she beamed, and you couldn't help the smile tugging at your lips.

"I agree with Dilluc that you are coming back. But I know how you feel." Kaeya placed a hand over his heart as he stared longing at you, his hair swaying from some imaginary wind. "You won't see this beauty for months." He pats your shoulder as you deadpan at him. "Cry to your heart's content!" he exclaims with a cheeky grin.

Amber and Dilluc mirrored your expression. "Did he just agree with Dilluc, or am I imagining things?" Amber asked, pointing accusingly.

"No, I heard it, and I need to bleach my ears." Dilluc turned away. "Good luck on your journey, Y/n." He sped away as you chuckled. His eyes widened slightly but didn't slow his pace. Composing himself, he smiles softly. It's been a while since I heard that.

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