23) A Blessing from the Geo Archon

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 "She shall solve this mystery."

"What a woman?" the man scoffs. "What good is a woman to a case as grave as this?"

Another man nods from behind him. "I agree, a woman would be incompetent for this job."

Y/n narrows her eyes as others agree and scoff under her breath. "How annoying," you grumble. You did feel a bit disheartened, but their feelings and yours had no place in this case. You should simply disregard them and focus on the mission.

"And what have you done for this case?" The men standing before the Archon, their hearts pounding in their chests as he speaks in a menacing growl. One of them stutters out a response, "I-I beg your pardon?" The dragon's eyes glow with malice as he tilts his head upward. "Are you making me repeat myself?"

The man immediately cowers and drops to his knees, trembling in fear. He begs for forgiveness while the others who had agreed to the plan watch on, their faces filled with terror. The Tianquan glares at them, her expression stern and unyielding. "Rex Lapis shall not hear any more nonsense. Please see yourselves out," she warns.

The group gathered immediately disperses, and you stand there stunned and blink at the ground. That was oddly satisfying, you think, that heavy feeling no longer in your chest. You were about to follow the others out but were stopped.

You feel a soft breeze and step back as the deer steps in front of you. "Stay for a moment, mortal."

You gulp and nod, bowing before the Adeptus. "Why are you stopping her?" You look up at the familiar voice.

Xiao stood in between the two, his arms crossed as he frowned at Moon Carver. He tilts his head curiously. "One is a bit baffled. You don't usually act in such ways," he says slowly. He turns to you, and you nervously look down.

You weren't usually nervous, but you were in the presence of a divine creature and yaksha. You shouldn't make yourself stand out, even though that seemed like a lost cause now.

"One was curious as to how you were able to understand us earlier." You blink at his words. "Huh?" Your eyes widen, and you cough into your fist. "I-I mean pardon? I'm not sure I quite follow."

"One agrees." The red bird walks closer. "You were laughing at us as well." You nervously look away, sweatdropping.

"Haha, was I?" you ask, laughing nervously. "You reminded me of siblings fighting earlier," you add, tapping your forefingers together in embarrassment.

"That so?" Moon Carver said, lifting his head as you gave your answer. "Yes, and nothing more." You bow, a hand on your chest. "Forgive me if I offended you."

Mountain Shaper scoffs and takes off without a word, Moon Carver bidding farewell before doing the same.

Xiao turns to you his frown still present as he knits his brows. "Why do you speak so respectfully to the others but speak bluntly with me?" You blink at the sudden question. Is he...pouting?

You smile, clasping your hands behind your back, and lean closer. "Because I see you as more than a simple Adeptus." You tilt your head and beam as he watches with wide, confused eyes. "You're my friend, no?"

A small gasp escapes him, and he stares at you in surprise. His mouth opens to say something, but a presence behind you quickly draws his attention.

You turn and flail back, yelping in surprise as you crash into Xiao, who merely catches you by your arms (unfazed).

"U-um." You wanted to greet the Geo Archon properly, but the man who had recited his dozens of titles swam in your head, and you weren't sure what to call him anymore. "H-Hi?" You give an awkward smile and raise your hand.

Rex Lapis lowers his head to your level, eyes boring into yours before they shift behind you. "Why does she bear your aura, Alatus?"

You perk in surprise. His voice sounds a lot softer than when he was talking earlier, you observed as you righted yourself.

You glance at Xiao, wondering how he'd answer. "It seems I've made a pact of sorts with her," he replies after a few minutes.

"What!?" The pink-haired girl from before had joined your little group. She quickly slaps her hands over her mouth and chuckles sheepishly under Xiao's glare. "Ah, don't mind me~ I was just about to leave," she drawls and quickly leaves, not before waving at you enthusiastically. You waved back, and then she was gone.

Xiao scoffs and turns back to the conversation. "How did this happen, Alatus?"

"...I lost control, briefly," he mutters softly. Rex Lapis hums in understanding. "I felt as much," he said and turned to you. "The pact itself won't pose a problem, thankfully."

"Really?" You were a bit surprised. Based on that book you found, your life is now connected to Xiao's. "If something happens to me, won't it affect Xiao?" you ask solemnly, staring at your feet. Rex Lapis smiles fondly, pleased to find that you were worried for the lone Yaksha.

"The pact did not link your lives in that way. It mainly affects the karmic debt," he supplies and adds. "There is no reason for you to worry." He gently taps your head with his, causing you to look up, a hand on your head.

As you look on, a figure of his majestic form before you, and you notice a golden light beginning to emanate from him, swirling and enveloping his entire body in its warm embrace. The light gradually compresses and shifts, taking on a new form, until a male figure emerges before you, his hood low over his eyes and dressed in flowing white and black robes with golden accents, hovering gracefully in the air.

As he leans in closer, you feel a warm hand gently take hold of yours, and his lips meet your forehead in a chaste kiss. You are momentarily stunned by the gesture, but as he looks at you with a warm and comforting smile, you feel a sense of calm and reassurance wash over you.

"You forever have the blessings of the geo archon. Live a life by your strengths, not your weaknesses."

As you stood there transfixed, the enigmatic figure before you vanished into thin air, leaving you staring up at the sky in wonder. The golden flecks swirled in the air, teasingly close yet out of reach. A gust of wind caught your hair, causing it to whip around your face, and that's when you felt a gentle touch on your hand. Xiao's voice was barely a whisper as he said, "I'll be waiting for your call." In the blink of an eye, he disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a burst of anemo and shadows.

You were struck dumbfounded, your cheeks flushing at their exits That was...something.

A/n: OMG YOU GUYS! (⚆ᗝ⚆)This story has more views than my other published story!?!? Not to mention it went up faster than it too...

Wow~ the Genshin community is amazing!! 

( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ

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