12) Ghost

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"What are you doing?"

"I am researching the Rite of Descension."


Y/n sighed as you glanced up at Xiao sitting on the bookshelf. "It's next month, and I need to know more about it."

You recently decided to come to the library. Xiao had been following you every time you went. Most of the time, he takes a nap, but today, he apparently doesn't need it.

You returned to the book, thinking he was done. "What do you want to know?" You repressed a sigh, looking up. You opened your mouth the reply, but a small gasp left your lips.

Xiao had silently come down and was squatting on the arm of your chair. His face was inches away as he leaned closer. "I can tell you much more than these pages."

Your ears flush red as you unconsciously lean back, raising the book to hide behind. "I'm good, but thanks anyway," you mumbled. Xiao's brow twitched in annoyance. His hand clasped the book's rim and threw it over his shoulder. "H-hey!" You moved to get up, but he kept you pinned in the chair. You froze, your voice leaving you. He leaned closer, eyes locking with yours.

"You've been acting strange, human." You tried not to flinch and avoided his prying eyes. "What do you mean?" God, why is he overly perspective!? Y/n thought.

"First you were avoiding me, now you won't look me in the eye no more," his voice darkened at the end. He gritted his teeth as he lowered his head. "Why do you continue to turn your back on me?" His voice hardened as he glared at the ground, his face twisted in confusion and hurt. Dark tendrils started to cloud his mind as his eyes widened, flashing red.

You patted his head, startling him, the darkness receding. You softly smiled as you ran your fingers through his hair. "That's not it, Xiao," you assured. He melted at your touch. "Then what is it?"

You stiffened and looked away, covering your flushed face. "That's a bit complicated."

He glanced down at you and pulled your hand away from your mouth. He glared under your arm, moving your hand to run through his hair. "Who said you could stop, human?" He grinned as he lowered your hand to his mouth. "Shall I punish you?" You blushed at the change in his tone, your heart freezing and melting, a strange feeling.

You opened your mouth to apologize or say something, but nothing came out. Xiao's fingers drummed against yours as he thought. He tilted his head as he lifted a finger, bringing it closer to his lips.

You watched dumbfounded, wondering what he was going to do. He opened his mouth, his fangs drawing your attention. Wha~ he has little fangs! you thought, stars in your eyes.

Xiao bit your finger, startling you from your thoughts. You jumped as the fangs you were fawning over pierced your skin. "X-Xiao!" He pulled away and stared at the bite mark. Blood trickled from where the fangs cut deeper. "It went deeper than I thought," he hummed, licking the blood off your finger. You bristled, turning redder. You quickly pulled your hand away. "W-why'd you do that?!" you exclaimed, cupping your hand. He licked his lips as he stared at your hand. "I was...checking something," he said after a beat of silence. Unnoticed to you his pupils sharpened as he stared.

His lips curled into a smirk as he leaned closer. "I want almond tofu. That's your punishment." He gave you a close-eyed smile before disappearing.

You blinked in confusion. THAT IDIOT! He should know I can't cook that by now! Your brow twitched in annoyance, cheeks turning red as you looked at your finger. "Still can't believe he bit me," you mumbled.


"Whoa, what happened to your finger?" You awkwardly chuckled, avoiding Verr's prying eyes.

"It's not that important," you grumbled, grabbing an apple. "I'll be going on my rounds now." You were out the door before she could reply. She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "That girl."

Y/n quickly raced down the stairs, too impatient to wait for the elevator. You didn't break your run until the rolling fields of Bishui Plain surrounded you. You stumbled to a stop and collapsed on your back, breathing heavily.

It felt good to run, but you should have been more careful.

You let out a breath, mind blank from the sprint. Something landed on your head, causing you to open your eyes. A small bird hopped around on your forehead. You dead-panned at this brave little creature.

Then within a few minutes, a whole flock had surrounded you. You frowned at the sky. What is happening? Then all at once, they took to the air and disappeared.

You blinked, ok not going to say anything. "Hi~ can you help find Dusky Ming's friend?"

You turned to see a little girl. "Sure, I'll help you find your friend," you replied, standing up. Your eyes narrowed as you followed the girl. There's something with her, you thought, then it hit you. She's transparent! A ghost!?

You stopped short in shock, and the girl noticing skipped back to you. "Is something wrong, miss?" You quickly shook your head, causing her to smile. "Then follow Dusky Ming!"

Y/n wasn't one who'd be afraid of ghosts, but it was still a bit unnerving to see one. Especially a child, she thought, frowning. You were wondering how someone so young could be...dead.

You followed the little girl to a small forest near the inn. She happily skipped inside while you followed cautiously. Something about the forest seemed off, and it was too quiet. Not a single bird was singing not even the rustling of the leaves could be heard. It was dead silent as if holding its breath or cowering from something.

You glanced around as you followed the girl to a lump of boulders. You stopped short and whirled around, staring in shock as the boulder started moving.

"Look, look, miss! We found my friend!"

A giant alien-looking machine that looked like it was built for war whirled to life behind the girl. You gasped as its two front arms transformed into two spears. They whirred at an impossible speed, and your attention snapped to the girl.

Your mind went blank as you raced forward, pulling out your sword and switching it into a spear. You sent a burst of geo and threw to spear. It embedded itself right above the glowing eye. A burst of geo followed the impact just as you reached the girl.

"Dusky Ming, we need to get out of here—" You stopped short when your hand went through her. Your e/c eyes flashed in horror. You had forgotten she was a ghost. So, material things couldn't touch her!

A shadow fell over your wide-eyed form, dread sinking into your stomach. The machine's hands turned into spears again, whirring right next to your head.

A chuckle echoed in the forest as the girl beamed up at you. Her transparent hands hovered against your cheeks, unable to touch them. "Yeah! Miss, are you excited?" Your hands were slack against your sides as your body froze. Shock and horror are etched in your expression. "You get to play with Dusky Ming's friend!"

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