10) Qingce Village

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"I've brought the ingredients!" Y/n exclaimed, racing into the kitchen. Yanxiao chuckled.

"You seem to be in a good mood." You beamed up at him. "Of course! I just went to Liyue Harbor. The HARBOR!" You twirled in place as you laughed.

You quickly placed the bag down and headed to your room. Excitement fills you.

You ran past Verr, who moved aside, slightly baffled. She watched your retreating form in confusion. Turning to Yanxiao with a brow raised. "That's strange. She's never been this expressive." She crossed her arms. "What did you do?" Yanxiao lifted the bag and started to go through it. "Nothing much. I just asked her to grab some stuff from Liyue Harbor."

"Is that so?" Verr smiled, a hand under her chin. "She's that excited from something like that?"

"The kid probably hasn't been there." Verr nodded in agreement.

By the time you had arrived back, night had already fallen. The harbor wasn't far, but since this was your first time going through Liyue. Getting side-tracked would be putting it mildly.

You were itching to tell someone about everything that happened that day. And you knew just who to tell. You didn't need to find them. Since they were always in your room waiting.

Y/n swung the door open.

"Amber, you wouldn't believe—" You stopped short to find an unfamiliar room yet familiar, all the same. Your expression fell as you remembered just how far they were.

You silently set your bag on the table. Deciding to go train to take your mind off of it. Your stomach suddenly cramped with hunger.

You sighed. Maybe eating would be better later, though. You pulled out a circular box and headed outside.

In the end, you ditched the idea of training and settled on the roof. The stars and the rustle of the leaves kept you company.

"Who knew me of all people would get lonely," you mumbled, tracing the designs on the box.

"So, you are lonely?" You tried not to flinch as Xiao landed next to you. You looked away, still annoyed but guilty as well. Ugh, I shouldn't feel guilty! He's the one who

"Your face," something in his voice drew you from your thoughts. His hand cupped your face, pulling you closer. "Are you injured?"

You blinked in surprise, shocked to see that he looked worried.

"Why is that so surprising." You swatted his hand away. "I'm a weak mortal, isn't this kind of thing normal?"

Why am I saying this?

Xiao's hand was still hovering in front of him, and he slowly brought it down. His face was expressionless, but you noticed his lowered brows. "Besides, I'm not new to injures, and this is nothing."

Stop talking.

"So, I don't need you to fret over me," you finished, rising to leave. You tried to ignore the way he sat slumped on the floor. His hair framed his face, which was masked in shadows.

Your eyes narrowed as you stared at the ground, turning around.


Now you have no one here. The one person you had is gone.

All thanks to you.

Xiao grabbed the end of your clothes, stopping you. "Please." His voice was barely a whisper, his head still bowed. "Forgive me. Don't..." He trailed off. Whatever he said was too soft for you to hear.

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