26) The Millelith

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Zhongli watched as Y/n's figure blended with the crowd and ultimately disappeared.

At first, he assumed it was because you felt dishearten, having come to a dead end, but the look in your eyes had changed. You had come to realize something, and it wasn't good.


The next day, you went to the front gate and met with the guard, that had stopped you and Childe on the morning of the Rite.

"Well~ if it isn't the little traveler," he greets. You smile softly as you walk up to him. "Yeah, it's been a while," you reply.

He tilts his head, a smile still present as he raises a brow. "So, what brings you to the gates? Don'e tell me you're leaving already?"

You shake your head. "I happened to have a question if it's alright to ask?" you add quickly. He smiles. "Of course, ask away."

He blinks when you ask whether they have an office. He taps his chin in thought and shrugs. "Yeah, I haven't worked long enough to really know," he drawls and jumps when he notices your sullen expression. He sweats nervously as he waves his hand reassuringly. "Oh, but there's this one old guard at the foot of the floating Jade Chamber," he quickly adds, and you brighten up. "Y-yeah, he might know!"

You beam and quickly thank him, and you were gone in a blink of an eye. The guard deflates slightly, letting out a breath.

"Haha, look at you," the other chimes up, chuckling. "You were about to lose it just cause she got a little sad."

He pouts and whacks him over the head. "Oh, shut up, she reminds me of my little sister, that's all," he grumbles. The other grins teasingly. "What~ you have a sister complex or something?"

A red tic mark appears on his head as he lifts the spear with a strained smile. "You want me to stick this up your pampered ass, huh buddy?"

The other raises his hands in surrender. "Geez, I'm only teasing!"


Y/n walked around the little pond that was in the center of the walkway, water lilies growing on its surface. You glance into the sky, and see the Jade Chamber suspended above. The sight was truly spectacular since there weren't any floating mansions back from where you came from.

You walk around a bit more, trying to spot the old guard. Just when you were about to give up, you spot the retired fellow resting under the tree. You smile softly when you notice that he was polishing his spear. How dedicated, you think.

"Good evening, sir," you greet, hands behind your back, and you step under the shade. He looks up, and smiles kindly, his eyes wrinkling softly at the grin. "Well, hello there, young lady," he replies. He gestures at the space beside him, and you take a seat. "How may this old fellow help you." You blink softly as a warm, bubbly feeling swells in your chest. You smile fondly. He's so nice, you think. "I had a question, if it's not too much to ask?" He nods, and you speak, feeling at ease for some odd reason. "I was wondering, do the Millelith have an office of sorts?" you ask.

He rubs his beard in thought. "Hmm, I believe we do. It's located away from the Harbour but still near the waters." You smile, eyes bright. Finally, a lead of sort, you think, deflating slightly. Hopefully, it'll lead somewhere.

"If I may, why are you looking for the Millelith Office?" You turn back to the old man and smile sadly. "I'm actually investigating the disappearances of the children."

"Ah, that," he muses, a long sigh following as he shakes his head. "Such dreadful times we live in," he mumbles. You nod solemnly, and he suddenly claps you on the back, startling you. "Well, don't let me keep you here!" He exclaims. "Go and run along now, young lady."

You laugh under your breath and stand. "Thank you for telling me," you say and bow before him. He waved his hand, and you were off.

Y/n walked along the thin stretch of sand as you followed the retired Millelith's directions. You glance to the left, the sea hugging the land as it sloshed back and forth. Seagulls cried as the wind blew steadily, tugging at your h/c locks.

You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was strange really, normally you wouldn't lose your cool so easily. Yet after one little dead end, your mind had started to spiral.

You were still mulling it over when a sudden shout cut through your thoughts. "Who goes there!?"

You blink and jump back a little as a spear embeds itself in the sand before you. Another followed, and you quickly sidestepped it.

"Wait! I'm not—" A guard suddenly landed in the sand before you, his spear ready and eyes glaring as he charged you.

Your eyes widen before narrowing as you summon your sword. You deflect his swing and push him back, only for another to take his place. You lean back and kick the guard's stomach, sending him stumbling back into another.

You race around the pair, your sword arm extended as you race past them. "Stop her!"

You jump, twirling in the air and over the guard as you land low, knocking him off his feet. "Please stop! I'm only here to talk!" you shout and dodge another jab.

"Ha, if that were true, you wouldn't be fighting!" one sneers as he slashes you with his spear. You jump back and more swarm your spot. Y/n grits her teeth as she jumps onto a rock jutting out of the sand. You place your hand against it and create a spiked dome around the rock.

The soldiers immediately move away from the sharp spikes jutting out from the ground around you. "Now that I have your attention," you announce as you stand tall on the rock. You lift a jade medallion, a red ribbon tied to one end, and raise it up for all to see. "I believe this should be enough proof that I have no ill intentions," you say, lifting your chin as you stare down at the men.

It was a good thing that the retired guard had given it to you, he must have foreseen this happening. You smile in your mind. How thoughtful. I'll be sure to thank him the next time we meet.

One of them breaks rank and you could tell that he was much older than the rest and most likely of a higher position.

"Alright, it seems you really aren't storming our office," he chuckles softly. He turns to the young men, who are still pointing their spears at you. His expression hardens. "Lower your weapons men," he orders.

They all comply and bang the ends against the sand as they stand ready. He turns back to you and lifts a hand. "Well then, why don't you come down from there."

You nod and wave your hand, the crystals disappearing. You land before the man. "Please allow me to see the medallion," he says, and you hand it over. He smiles warmly at the name written on the back. "So, you've met Fu Yao?" he says, and you smile.

"Yes, he's the one who gave it to me."

He hands back the medallion and nods. "My name is Nan Feng, a general of the Millelith. Fu Yao is a good friend of mine, and it seems he's vouched for you." He turns around and gestures up the cliff. "Then allow me to escort you to the office." You nod and take the medallion back.

From above, a figure watches with his hands folded neatly behind him. He turns away, robes swaying from the movement. "It seems I wasn't needed," he says softly. A smile curls at his lips, she really is something.

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