13) Dusky Ming's Friend

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Y/n's mind and body seemed to have stopped working as the machine hovered above her. Its hands were whirling spears, ready to cut through you. While, Dusky Ming cupped your shocked face.

I can't believe this.

She led me here on purpose!

Your eyes widened as disbelief washed through you. Is she trying to get me killed?

The machine made a strange noise as it raised the spinning spears. You gasped slightly, snapping out of your daze. You dodged the first swing by jumping back. The other one came too fast, catching you off guard.

You avoided the point, but the impact sent you flying into a tree's branches.

You groaned as you glared at the machine through narrowed eyes. Just what...is that thing!?

Your eyes flashed in surprise, and you dropped from the branch. It crashed behind you as you glared up at the machine. I need to get my weapon back, you thought, staring up at your polearm sticking out of it. Gold crystal bits swirled around your feet as it rushed towards you. A bead of sweat trickled down your head as you continued gathering elemental energy.

You jumped as it tried to attack you, your hand wrapping around the polearm. Crystals shot from the end as you pulled it out. Bracing your feet against the machine, you sent another burst and flipped back.

A strange whirring noise came from the machine, its moves becoming rigid. You didn't stop to wonder about it as you turned in place, racing out of the grove. I need to get back to Wangshu Inn! Your breathing came out in gasps as you cleared the trees. Hope bloomed in your chest, thinking you got away.

Something hit the ground in front of you, sending you flying back. "Argh!" Your back hit the ground, the air escaping your lungs as you rolled to a stop. Another explosion sounded to the right, another going off to your left.

You sat up and forced your eyes open. Red rings appeared on the ground, quickly followed by a missile hitting the center. You screamed, covering your face as missiles hit the terrain around you. One came too close and sent you tumbling through the air.

You noticed the machine in the air, sending missiles into the air in a never-ending cycle. You slammed your hand against the ground, creating a dome of geo around you.

Your body shook from fatigue and fear as the explosions continued. Deep cuts littered your arms and legs, still bleeding. You gritted your teeth as you squeezed your eyes shut. "Please...someone help," you whimpered just as the shield shattered. You snapped your head up as the whirling spear moved to end you. The point was inches from your face as time seemed to slow down.

Is this how I'm going to die here? Y/n thought as a look of despair crossed your features.

But I can't die here.

People are waiting for me here.

I can't leave them behind! you mentally cried. Images of people you left back in Mondstat and the staff of Wangshu Inn flashed in your mind. Memories of training and coming to understand this world with Diluc, Amber, and Kaeya. All the times you laughed and argued together.

You jumping onto Diluc, clutching his head, as you pointed at the hydro slime, crying that it was trying to kill you. Amber and Kaeya tried to calm you down, but in the end, you fell because Diluc lost his balance.

The patrols that you went on with Rickie. Those times when Verr and Yanxiao would have to practically drag you to dinner. Yet they were laughing the entire time, and even your heart felt lighter as you purposely fought against them.

Then those little moments you had with Xiao. Every time you failed at making a non-burnt almond tofu, training your anemo even though it ended in something getting destroyed. When he had comforted you with your sudden fear of heights.

A single tear trailed down your cheek as you closed your eyes, accepting the twisted fate you were dealt with.

"I'm sorry...Xiao," you whispered.

The sound of the machine slicing flesh sounded as blood sprayed into the air. You heard a grunt as arms grabbed you and jumped into the air. You landed a distance as a hand clasped your shoulder. "Y/n!" a voice shouted as you were pulled into a seating position.

Your body was limp and wouldn't respond, but you forced your eyes open. Your vision was blurry, but your ears were still sharp. You heard a familiar yet not familiar voice curse, and then you were moving again.

Your entire body ached, and you let out a soft groan, curling in on yourself. You felt air tickle your ear as you cracked your eyes open, confused since you didn't see anyone this time.

"Stay here. I will be back quickly," a voice sounded in your ear. You knew they were waiting for a response, yet you couldn't open your mouth. They must have noticed and added, "Squeeze my hand if you heard me."

Slender finger loosely filled the gap between yours. You mustered what little strength you had and gave a small squeeze. Through your hazy vision, you noticed a pair of lips curl into a relieved smile.

Then the warmth was gone along with the figure. You closed your eyes and leaned against the roots of a tree.

⟐Xiao's POV⟐

Xiao appeared before the machine in a flurry of shadows and anemo, stopping the machine in its tracks. It cautiously came closer when he made no move to attack.

His bangs cast a shadow over his eyes but, from the ground, one could see it clearly. Rage was swirling in those beautiful amber eyes. They widened as his pupils shifted into a thin line. The purple diamond on his forehead glowed, trying to repress his demonic power.

He lifted his hand and called his jade spear swinging it as he slammed it into the ground, startling the machine.

A black demon mask appeared over his face. "Disappear," he rasped, eyes glowing with anger behind the mask. In a streak of anemo, he sliced off a spear. "Useless." Another streak of anemo flashed behind the machine as it tried to counter, only to strike through the air. A jade spear slices the other arm as he scoffed. "Worthless!"

Using his speed, Xiao jumped against a tree and launched himself into the air. He stabbed the machine right in the eye as multiple anemo spears stabbed from the ground. "Weak," he seethed, squatting on the machine as he plunged the spear deeper.

"How dare you touch her."

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