24) Lost...AGAIN!

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A/n: A little refresher on Zhongli's and Child's outfits ^

Y/n walked through the streets with a conflicted look. The Rite of Descension, a grand ceremony that welcomed the Geo Archon, lasted for a couple of hours. The streets were overflowing with people who had come from far and wide to witness the wonder. There were colorful decorations, lively music, and mouth-watering food stalls lining the streets. However, amidst all the festivities, your mind was preoccupied with the reactions of some of the people towards you, a woman who will play a significant role in the case. Despite your resolution, there were those who still doubted your abilities and qualifications, and their condescending attitudes toward you were hard to ignore.

It was making your blood boil. A shadow fell over your eyes as you frowned into space, some passersby flinching and steering clear. You wouldn't normally be so ticked off, but you were.

And that frustrates you even more.

Y/n sighs as you step off the main street, walking across a bridge with a river running underneath. You stop and stare at your reflection in the water, some fish swimming underneath the clear surface.

"Why the long face?" You turn, your eyes widening, when you recognize the brown-haired male. "Oh, Mr. Zhongli." He gives you a smile as a greeting, hands folded into his sleeves. "Was my invitation that displeasing that you make such an expression?"

You shake your head, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "Of course not. It was actually very helpful since I didn't have any leads regarding the case."

He smiles knowingly. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Speaking of which." Your gaze sharpened as you stared at the male before him. "How did you know I was a part of that case in the first place?"

His smile curves into a smirk as he takes note of your cold and calculating gaze. "I have connections in the Qixing," he replies simply.

You nod, not quite satisfied since it was still suspicious, but it'd be a hassle to dig further.

"Anyway, can you tell me anything about the Funeral Parlor you talked about? It's weird that that place will be most helpful to me," you add. He tilts his head, eyes narrowing. I doubt that's why you were making that expression; he thinks as he turns towards the river.

"Most of these disappearances happened without a trace. It's a bit disheartening to say this, but they'd be presumed dead, given the time that has passed." Your eyes widen in surprise as you hold your chin in thought. He does bring up a good point. No matter how sickening the idea is, you think quietly.

"So, this parlor would be a good place to start," you muse. Zhongli hums in agreement. You nod to yourself and make a note to figure out where it is.

"How did you find the Rite? I hope it was to your liking," he asks, and you smile. "To my liking? Seriously, it was amazing! I've never seen an Archon in person," you say, excitement bubbling inside of you. "Not to mention he was a dragon! A dragon, can you believe that Mr. Zhongli?" His eyes were wide for a moment at your genuine enthusiasm. He smiles softly and lifts his hand to your face.

You pause as his hand brush your cheeks and he fingers a few stray strands. "It truly is extraordinary to see such magnificence with your own eyes," he says deeply, tucking your hair behind your ear. You feel your face flush at his warm smile. "It is even better to see someone in such high spirits. I'm sure the Geo Archon would be very happy right now," he says as he pulls away, his hands folding into his sleeves.

You nod, your mind going blank at his sudden gesture. He bows his head softly. "Well, I shall bid you farewell. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Miss. Y/n." He bids farewell and walks off the bridge, a smile gracing his features.

Y/n stood on the bridge in a daze, your hand ghosting the place his fingers touched. Your mind replays his words, and you can't help but wonder if he was thinking of something else when he said them. Your eyes narrowed as a sudden thought came to mind.

Your face blushed, and you immediately banished the idea from your mind. There was no way! you think as you press your hands against your face, trying to calm the heat.


Thankfully, you were able to find the little house Master Jean had prepared for you. You were still pretty broke from giving all your money to Verr in order to stay at the inn.

You slept like a rock that night and dreamed a dreamless dream. The next day, you woke up groggily and stretched your arms over your head. After taking a bath, and putting on fresh clothes, you had a quick breakfast and headed out.

You wander the streets, the towering red buildings blocking most of the sunlight. Some people were out cleaning after the festivities from the night before, and they greeted you with bright smiles. Y/n waves in return as she walks by. Your earlier drowsiness washing away from their smiles.

After a few hours, though, it withered away. Y/n had been wandering the streets, towers, and stairs of the amazingly grand Liyue Harbor with no closer to finding the Funeral Parlor.

You repressed a groan as you stood before the familiar Northland Bank. You scowl up at the building. How is it I can find this archon-forsaken building but not any other?! Y/n incredulously. The single masked man standing outside gives you a judging once over.

"Oh, hey, girlie~" You turn around, scowl still present, as a familiar ginger prances up to you like he's having the best day of his life. He immediately tenses, his smile straining, when he catches your expression. "Wow~ that's a nasty look on you," he chides. You let out a sigh and rub the base of your nose, trying to calm your expression.

"I'm trying to find this one building, without any luck," you grumble. "I've spent most of my morning walking around...I even jumped onto the rooves to see if I can get a better view," you mumble quietly.

He stares at you with wide blue eyes before smirking. "Invite me sometime. I'd love to join you~" he whispers as he leans closer.

"Ha." You give him a tired smirk, which he returns with a close-eyed smile. "Anyway," he says as he leans back. "I'll help you out, girlie!" he beams. "So, what building are you looking for?" he chirps.

"The Funeral Parlor."

He blinks in surprise. "Oh, getting ready to hide a body or something?" he teases. You deadpan and punch his arm. "Of course not, idiot!"

"Hehe, ouch!" he chuckles, rubbing his arm. He stops and thinks for a moment. "Well, no problem then. I think I know where that is."

You give him a wry look. "Is it because you hide bodies on a daily?" He lifts a finger to his lips with a small wink. "Shh, you can't go blabbing my secret like that, girlie~" he hisses. You laugh at his antics, causing him to smile and join you.

You were glad that you ran into him. The earlier frustration you felt from getting lost for hours was a thing of the past now.

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