16) Losing Control

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Y/n sheathed her blade and gazed out into the valley. The Wangshu Inn was off to the right and looked tiny from the cliff you were standing on. The rest of Bishui Plain and a few ruins here and there were also in view.

You had just finished battling a few slimes and gathered the violet-grass, silk flowers, and mint into a bundle. Verr had tasked you with gathering supplies for medicine today. Apparently, one of the customers had woken up with a nasty cough. You've never made medicine, but you've tasted plenty from Barbara. And boy, were they nasty, but she usually just healed you with her hydro element.

You placed the bundle into the bag and secured the flap. You jumped off the edge and opened your wing glider. You glided a distance, until you had to land, the glider disappearing. I should probably hurry, you thought as you broke into a run. Getting on the elevator, you tapped your foot as it went up. It stopped at the top, and you walked to the kitchen.

"Yanxiao, I brought the herbs," you announced your arrival, placing the bag on the table. He merely nodded and gestured to the mortar and pestle.

"Do you mind crushing them together for me? I need two violets, three silk flowers, and two mints." You walked over to it and layed out the bundle, taking out the needed amounts.

You stuffed them into the stone bowl and picked up the granite club. Yanxiao grabbed your hand before you could crush the plants. He smiled nervously. "Whoops, almost forgot this," he said, holding up a spiky red fruit. "You'll need this too," he added, handing you a knife. "First, you need to strip off the hard layer. Then carefully crush it with the plants," he instructed.

You nodded and pressed the blade against the skin. Your eyes narrowed as you struggled. It's a lot harder to cut than I thought. You finally pierced it and slowly cut off the outer shell.

The blade sliced the chunk that you had carefully kept together. Causing Y/n to click her tongue as she tried to get under the shell.

The blade skidded over the skin and sliced your hand, causing you to wince. Blood started trickling from the deep wound alarmingly fast. You stared with wide eyes, panicking as you tried to hide it.

"You almost finished there?" Yanxiao asked, causing you to nearly, jump out of your skin.

"Y-yeah, just making sure it gets mixed well," you replied, covering the wound with a makeshift geo bandage and pulling off your glove. You quickly tugged the glove over the crystal and tried to finish up.

You poured the contents into a bowl and took it over to Yanxiao. He smiled and thanked you as he added the liquid inside. "Is there anything else you need?" you asked, keeping your hand behind your back.

"Ah, no, that's all!" he beamed. "Then I'll be in my room." He nodded as he crossed his buff arms, watching the boiling pot.

You quickly left the kitchen and went straight to your room. You took your glove off and held your dripping hand over the sink. You stepped away to the table, trying to get the bag with first aid. While, keeping your other hand over the sink.

"Dammit it, get over here, you little—" Anemo appeared near your hand, followed by a familiar face. Y/n reeled back, hiding your hand. You blinked at Xiao, now standing in front of you, arms crossed, as he slowly opened his eyes.

They glowed as he stared at you, and something in his eyes seemed to darken. "I smell blood," he mumbled, stepping closer. His tone had changed, and whatever the reason, it made your blood run cold.

You pressed yourself against the cold sink, your hand losing feeling from the blood loss. You could feel your body slowly shutting down, your mind going hazy.

Yet you could feel your heart tremble in fear as Xiao stepped closer. "You're bleeding," he stated coldly, the glint in his eye sharpening as he leaned over you.

Your breath hitched as you leaned back, shaking. You've never felt so scared around him. You don't even know why. But every fiber in your body was telling you to run.

The hand you had braced against the sink slipped, and you gasped in surprise. You braced yourself for the fall, but it never came. You felt hands grab your waist, stopping you from falling. You gaped up at him, your hands unconsciously clutching onto his arms. He hoisted you onto the counter, catching you off guard.

His amber eyes bore into yours, startling you, your heart lurching into your throat. He then glanced at your bloodied hand on his arm. You felt yourself pale, realizing you were getting blood on his sleeve.

"A-ah, sorry, I didn't—" Your voice stopped as he pulled your hand off. He stared at the cut, blood still seeping through it.

"It's still bleeding," he said, eyes widening slightly as he gazed at the cut. "X-Xiao, can you let go?" you tried, attempting to pull your hand away. "I need to...treat it," you huffed, your mind fuzzing over.

He continued to stare with wide eyes, trembling slightly. "Xiao?" you asked tentatively, getting worried. "Blood. There's too much—" He snarled, the purple mark on his head suddenly glowing as his pupils turned to slits. You yanked your hand away, his fangs chomping the air. He growled and lunged for you.

You kicked his stomach and jumped off the counter. Before you could land, he grabbed your arm and pinned you to the ground. You groaned, your head spinning from the impact and blood loss.

He grabbed your bleeding hand, bringing it to his mouth. You watched through narrowed eyes, scared of what he was going to do to you. You tried to muster your strength and pull away, but the lack of blood made it difficult.

His tongue licked the wound, sending a shiver through you. Before he clamped his mouth over it, his fangs pricking your skin. You winced as his tongue slid across the wound.

He panted as he pulled away, licking the blood on his lips. Your eyes widened when you noticed your hand. You internally screeched when you saw the bite mark. What in the actual—There was still blood on it, but the wound was closed up somehow. He cleaned your hand with his tongue, catching you off guard. "H-hey!"

He stopped midway and glanced down at you, causing you to flinch. Now what? Y/n thought as he seemed to be looking for something. Your brow twitched. That poker face of his is really annoying at times like this.

He dropped your hand and leaned closer to your face, catching you off guard. His hand braced near your ear as he bent over you.

You moved your head up, trying to move away. However, his hand pushed your head back down, sliding over your eyes. You opened your mouth to protest. "Silent, human," he panted, keeping your eyes covered.

You tensed, feeling his labored breath near your neck. The diamond on his forehead glowed softly, his slitted pupils fading to normal.

"I apologize," he gritted, trying to get off you and removing his hand from your eyes. "It seems...I lost control." He suddenly collapsed on top of you. "X-Xiao!" you exclaimed, reaching for him.

His hand clasped yours, pulling your hand back to your side. "Let me catch my breath," he grumbled, cuddling closer and causing you to blush.

"U-uh, ok." You awkwardly pet his head. "Rest we—" Anemo and dark shadows surrounded the two as Xiao teleported. Next thing you knew, you felt the soft bed against your back. The blanket fluttered over you two as Xiao rolled to his side, pulling you closer as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Your face pressed against his chest.

"Hey! What d—"

"I said quiet, human," he grumbled, nipping your ear. You flinched, face flushing. "X-Xiao!"

He smirked, eyes closed as he hovered over your ear. "Stay quiet, or I'll do it again, Y/n," he said softly, his breath giving you butterflies as you tried to lean away. Xiao pulled you, grabbing your hip as he brought you closer. Your face flushed red as he tangled his legs with yours.

"X-Xiao!?" you hissed, trying not to be too loud. It was still night, the moon shining brightly.

"There, now you won't be able to leave," he stated, cuddling closer. "Sleep, human." You nervously stared up at him, but eventually, the exhaustion caught up to you. Y/n rested her head against his chest, closing her eyes.

Not a word about this to anyone, you thought. No one needs to know.

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