chapter one: pilot

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My head throbbed in pain; tears stung the rims of my eyes. My eyelids grew heavy, and I felt my lips perch. My face grew hot, but not of anger. A fire stood before me, a wall so tall and strong. The redness and brightness of the first made me squint my eyes. My stomach turned at the observation I had made, ' my parents are still in there.' At the thought, I instantly ran towards the burning house.

My grandma grabbed both of my arms and held them behind my back. I looked back at my grandma with tears in my eyes, "there's no need to cry child, they will be fine." She said soothingly. But even as a child I was a little stubborn, " I-I'm not crying." I said wiping my nose with my sleeve.

I yanked from her grip and started towards the house. I was running at such a fast pace that my feet had tripped over themselves.

I fell to the ground; skinning my arm my arm in the process. I cried out in pain, but quickly sprung back to my feet. I looked behind me to see my grandma following after me. " Go away, I can get Mommy and Daddy myself!" I yelled to her, but she didn't listen.

I ran up the broken and burning stairs, struggling to climb them, due to the immense pressure on my lungs from the smoke. I climbed the last step reaching the top. I ran down the hall and into my parent's room, I looked down to see them laying there lifeless. I covered my mouth and gasped, as an 8 year old seeing my dead parents in a burning house, wasn't the most pleasant sight. I stood there, then realizing the boards falling from above.

The house was collapsing.

The place was about to cave in, I ran over to my mom's nightstand and grabbed the family photo and hugged it tight. I needed something of hers to hold on to. I ran back out of the room and tumbled down the broken stairsteps. I felt the skin on my legs being torn from the loose boards I was leaping down, but I Ignored them. I had to get my parents help. I stood back up immediately and whilst running over to the door, I found my grandma stuck underneath a board that had fallen.

I ran over, feeling drastically overwhelmed by the whole situation, as the floor gave in. I could feel the ground slipping from beneath me, I screamed as I loud as I could, landing on my butt with a loud thud. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and felt my knee throbbing. The embers from the fire stung my skin, little red marks spread across my arm.

I was slowly burning...

Another piece of wood fell, I had to get out of there. I stood up weakly, only for a strong hand to be put on my shoulder.

It was my grandma, "Go out through the vent over there." She said and pointed. " You can't trust anyone, as you know there are things out there- evil things. A friend of mine will help you, keep you safe. He is waiting in a red Chevell outside; you know what kind of truck that is right?" she questioned, and I mustered up a nod. "Okay, he'll keep you safe. You will stay with him, okay? You be careful, okay? Also, you dropped this on the way down." She told me, handing over the family portrait I must've dropped during my plunge through the lose floorboards.

"Find your brother. He is out there somewhere, here are the coordinates of where I last tracked him. I love you, now go, Go!" She said signaling toward the vents and handing me a paper. I stuffed the paper in my lose threaded hoodie pocket, stumbling toward the wall she'd pointed at. I plied open the vent with my small fingers and started crawling forward.

I then reached a corner that went upwards, I saw a huge fan at the top. I quickly panicked, feeling hopeless. I looked around for something... anything that could help me ensure my safety. An idea popped in my head as I saw a small pebble at my feet. I grabbed it and threw it upwards; it jammed the fan so I could get through.

I climbed towards the top, and finally reached it. I squeezed through the vent and climbed through the side area. It led out to the side of my house; I looked back scared my grandma wouldn't survive the fire.

I then shook my head and realized she would want me to keep going. I snuck to the front of the house and saw a bunch of firefighters and police cars. I ran past them and over to the red truck my grandma was talking about, I struggled but opened the passenger door and hopped in. I gasped for air, but then saw an older man in the front seat.

" You alright?"

He asked me. I just nodded, I looked at his face as he started the car. He didn't look at all familiar, all I could see through the darkness was a green hat. The cold seats made me shiver, "Sorry about the seats, they're a bit cold." I couldn't get a word out of my mouth, so I nodded. " Well, c'mon child, say somethin." He spoke. " S-Sorry." I said through breaths and tears.

He just chuckled, "Oh,uh, your grandma said you'd want this." He extended his arm and handed me my blue bunny stuffed animal. I grabbed it quickly and squeezed it. I fiddled with its tail as he started driving. "You can call me Bobby or-whatever ya come up with." He spoke. I just smiled and kept playing with my toy.

If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.

-Michael Jackson

Hey guys, before you move on, could you vote and comment please! I enjoy seeing comments and reading them. ALSO LET ME KNOW IF THERE ARE ANY GRAMMAR AND/OR SPELLING ISSUES, please. 

Also, I write so little so if you guys are like trying to read a little bit or waste time, it's easier to finish a chapter. I get annoyed when I have to re-read a whole chapter because it doesn't save my progress.

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