chapter 9: He's smart.

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I walked down the hallways of my high school, keeping my eyes on the ground. People knew my name... but they didn't know me.

I wasn't necessarily popular. I heard a group of girls push past me, making me stumble. "There's a new guy?" one of them questioned another. Ugh. Ew. Cheerleaders. Okay... okay... their problem isn't the sport.

Cheerleading is cool. It shows you have hand eye coordination... but it's their attitudes. And their oversized ego. It was annoying as hell. They continued talking amongst themselves, and I rolled my eyes, walking past them.

I had ditched Sam and Dean as soon as we walked through the doors, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention toward myself. Because if people were looking at Sam and Dean, due to their newness to the area, they'd see me too.

Which is why I left them for the time being. I walked past a goth group; they were whispering too. But c'mon. It couldn't be about Sam and Dean again. What's the big deal about some new people? "(Y/N)!" I heard someone call my name.

My head whipped around to see my friend Alicia running to me. I gave her an exhausted glance.

She was too much to handle right now. She was super nice, and kind...but a little energetic. Everything I was not in the mood right now.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" She said, approaching me. I gave her a blunt smile, not bothering to look like I wasn't tired right now. "What's with the look?" She questioned, grabbing her backpack straps pulling them more over her shoulders.

"It's frickin 8 in the morning, Alicia... I'm not gonna be exactly thrilled to be here." I sighed, it consequently turned into a yawn. "Oh...well. Ooh! Good news! I heard there's some cute new guy." She giggled, grinning.

I scrunched my face up.


Sam and Dean were here. Both of them.

"Only one?" I asked, tilting my head. "Yeah... only, he's got a little brother... but he's a little young. He's only, like 13." She explained. My face twisted into a disgusted look.

"What's wrong with him being young?"

I felt a little agitated.

Was this only her opinion...or the rest of the schools?

" offense, I didn't know you liked younger guys. It's just... The older one seems more mature... and hot as hell." She said giggling and looking away for a second biting her lip.


I scoffed rolling my eyes. Dean was immature. But he was a good friend... although Sam got way better grades, so I've heard. "Oh my gosh... there he is! The new kid!" she pointed behind me.

I froze, hoping he wasn't walking over her. Maybe he'd think I was some random girl.

"Shit! He's coming over here!" Alicia exclaimed, making me groan. I walked away for a reason. Why did he have to follow me.

"(Y/N)?" I heard Deans voice ask from behind. I blew out a sigh, turning around looking up at him. "Hey Dean." I said, pressing my lips into a firm line. "Who's your friend here?" He asked, looking at Alicia as she blushed shyly beside me.

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