chapter 8: the return

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[2 months later:]

I sat on the couch at Bobby's, my feet on the coffee table. Today was a lazy day. No hunts. No cars to fix up. I had nothing to do. The time was mine, but the question is, what would I do with it? I stood up, stretching my arms above my head. I walked outside, looking around the front yard.

I sighed, not seeing anyone or anything. Maybe Bobby was in the back? I blew a puff of air, walking back inside. I walked into the kitchen, planning to make food or something in the meantime. Just as I grabbed a pan to make bacon or whatnot, I heard the phone ring. I picked it up, "Hello?" I asked, listening to the other line. "Hey, (Y/N)." I immediately recognized the voice and grinned.

"Sam Winchester." I replied into the phone. "Hey... whatcha doin..." he asked casually. "Ya know... just, chillin in the cooler, where I oughta be." I replied jokingly, sitting on the counter—like bobby specifically told me to break the habit of—and swung my legs back and forth.

I heard Sam's laugh boom through the phone, "Well... sounds fun. Um, I'm actually about to leave." He replied.

"Oh yeah? Where you off to? Another hunt?"

I asked, looking out the window. "Dad's actually driving us to bobby's... me and Dean gotta stay there a little while. Dad has this huge hunt... and he's not taking Dean this time. Apparently, he's meeting up with someone." I could practically hear the boredness in Sam's voice.

He wanted to see me... and I was excited to see 13-year-old Sammy. He must be so grown up... wonder if he still cries when he sees a clown.

"That's amazing!" I exclaim but pause because I sound too eager. "Uh... I mean, that's cool... or whatever. So, you're leaving now?" I ask and he chuckles. "Yeah... it'll be a day's trip." He said, and I smiled bigger.

"Great! That's super awesome." I said, jumping off the counter as Bobby walked in. "But don't bobby and John hate each other?" I paused, trying to be quiet. "Not really, I don't know. I mean, I'm sure it's fine since he's letting me, and dean stay there again." I could practically hear the excitement in Sam's voice.

"Alright, Alright. Um, get on the road so you can get your asses down here. See ya soon!" I squealed, putting the phone back down in the receiver. I jumped up and down because that's all I could do to get rid of my excitement and not bother Bobby. "So... ya heard about the boys comin back, huh?" Bobby's voice sounded from the opposite side of the kitchen.

I nodded, "Yeah! I did... thank you..." I smiled, hugging him. This made me happier than anyone could measure, I would finally get to see my best and only friends again. "No problem... John said they wanted to see ya again, and you obviously missed them." He ruffled my hair, releasing me from the embrace. I ran outside to go run around and do whatever so I wouldn't have so much energy. I needed to calm down.

Sam's POV:

I looked out the window as the car came to a stop... I recognized this gas station. We always passed that tree before we got to Bobby's... we're almost there. "Wipe that smile off your face, Sam. Dad's only lettin us stay there for a few weeks... nothin special..." Dean grumbled from the front seat, and I rolled my eyes.

"It's Bobby's. I'm gonna be excited, Dean. It's been so long since we've seen (Y/N) ... and Bobby." I looked out the window, smiling at the people outside. They looked happy and normal... something I could never be.

"What? You're saying you're only excited to go because your girlfriend is gonna be there?" Dean smirked back at me. I deadpanned him, crossing my arms and looking back out the window. "Dean... she's not my girlfriend... she's my best friend. Plus, I said Bobby too." I sighed.

"Sure..." Dean gave me a look I absolutely hated. He was trying to get on my nerves purposefully. "Shut up." I shook my head, looking out the window with a scoff.

We pulled into Bobby's gravel driveway and my heart hammered in my chest. This was it. I'd get to see (Y/N) after all these years.

I hopped out, not bothering with my bag right now. I ran up to the front door, "Bobby!" I called out, banging on the door. I sure missed (Y/N) ...but
I missed Bobby like hell too. I saw him open the door and smile, "Hey there boy." He said in a happy tone, reaching out to hug me.

I immediately hugged him, letting out all my energy into this hug, embracing him tightly. "Where's (Y/N)?" I asked, pulling away.

"She's out back... doin whatever she does these days." Bobby said, looking behind him. "Okay!" I couldn't contain my excitement anymore. I just couldn't. I ran around back, looking around in the piles of cars and random stuff.

"(Y/N)?" I called out, not seeing her anywhere. "In here." I heard a slightly familiar voice come from the garage. I walked speedily to the garage, peering around the opened door.

There she was. She was in front of an open car hood, probably fixing it. She had her (Y/H/C) hair pulled into a loose messy bun... a white tank top on... her (Y/S/C) glowing in the small amount of light coming through the small window. Her back was turned to me, but I could see her hair fall down her back as she took it down.

She slowly turned around, her eyes locking on mine.

Her beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes.

"Sam?" Her voice echoed in my head. She sounded different... older. "(Y/N) ..." I whispered under my breath. "Oh my... Sam!" She trotted over, grasping me in a tight hug. She had a little black on her cheek, probably from exhaust or something... I'd tell her later. And... yep. She was still taller than me.

I chuckled in relief as I felt her arms surround me as I hugged her back. After a moment she pulled away, "Wow... Sam. Your hair got different..." She chuckled, twirling a stand in between her fingers. I couldn't help but blush... I didn't let anyone touch my hair... but I guess I'd let her more often.

"Ooh! Where's Dean!" She squealed. My heart stopped for a second... Dean. She was probably more excited to see him. She's probably wondering what he looks like or something. He'd always been the brother better with the ladies.

"He's probably in the front getting his bag." I muttered, trying to keep the enthusiasm. "Alrighty!" She smiled, running through the door to the front.

I followed behind, but not as enthusiastically. I was hoping maybe we could just talk a little. But instead, she runs straight to Dean after a hug.

I sighed, walking onto the front porch, plopping into a rocking chair. I looked out to see Dean and (Y/N) hugging and talking out near the impala... she was talking to him. She barley said anything to me. I groaned inwardly, rubbing a hand over my face.

I heard Bobby and our dad conversating on the corner of the other side of the porch, and I guessed they would talk. Obviously... but some things they said caught my attention.

"I still have no respect for you..." Bobby said with an angered voice toward Dad. I looked over, seeing them both glaring at each other. "I'm doin this for the boys... not you." He snapped again as Dad was about to speak.

Dad curtly nodded, turning away from Bobby. Why were they so mad at each other? I didn't like when people didn't get along perfectly... but I guess that's life.

I'll See You Again (Sam Winchester x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon