chapter 5: issues

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Two weeks later:

John left (thankfully) and Sam and dean had stayed with me and Bobby for about 2 weeks now and we had a lot of fun together. They shot guns while I watched them, a bit afraid of the loud noises. We had worked on fighting and learning exorcisms, and today we were going out to 'play ball' whatever that meant.

I saw Bobby grab a baseball and walk outside into the yard. I looked behind the shed and saw a bunch of beat up cars but ignored them for now. "Alright (Y/N). Can you catch and throw?" Bobby asked me and I shrugged. "I Dunno...I've never tried." Sam and dean looked at me wide eyed. "(Y/N) .... catch is the best!" Sam said running over to me. "You throw the ball like...this."

he said throwing the ball with a swift motion. "And you catch this..." He said using his hand to cut the ball as it came toward him. "Okay. Let's practice." He said starting to back up. "Here you go..." He said throwing the ball my way.

I reached my hands out and caught the ball perfectly. "Uncle Bobby! Did you see that! She caught it first try!" He said pointing at me proud. "She's a fast learner." Bobby said smiling but squinting from how bright the sun was. "Let me get somethin..." I watched Bobby run inside and sat down on the grass. "It's hot out here..." I said wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"Yeah...but it always is." Dean chuckled. I chuckled too and then looked over at Bobby holding what looked to be a camera. "Alright...this is just in case y'all boys don't come around a lot more. Just a reminder of how much fun we have together." He said crouching in front of where we all were.

We all walked closer to each other, and he snapped a picture. Bobby set the camera aside and we continued playing.

10 minutes later:

I heard the sound of a car pulling up and tears formed in my eyes. 'They weren't going to leave me again...were they??' I looked at Sam and dean as frowns crossed their faces.

I watched John step out of the door and walk over to Bobby looking slightly angry. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" He said raising his voice a bit angrier than last time I'd heard him speak. "Just playing ball with the boys and (Y/N) ..."

Bobby said walking over to me and putting an arm around me and Sam as Dean stood protectively in front of us. "Bobby! I told you.... They don't got time for all this useless skill of throwing and catching. They need to be learning how to defend themselves dammit!" John said angrily, making me flinch. I didn't like yelling, or loud noises. What a shit show for me.

Bobby held me closer to him as I wrapped both my arms around his side scared. " about y'all go inside for a while." Bobby said giving me a tight squeeze before letting me go. "Okay uncle bobby..." Dean said grabbing Sam's hand and looking at me as I scaredly looked at Bobby.

"C'mon (Y/N) ...let's go inside..." Dean said pulling me toward him and Sam. I went with them as we walked toward the front door. When we got to the porch, I heard distinct yelling, so I sprinted for the door before anyone got in there. I fell onto the couch scared curling into a ball. "It's okay (Y/N) doesn't get that scary after a while..." I sat up and smiled at Sam as he sat next to me.

5 minutes later:

Me and Sam sat on the couch listening to Dean talk. He would share funny stories and we'd laugh, and I started to feel like I was getting really close to them both. They would talk about the trios we'd go on together, and just as Sam was proposing an idea the front door busted open.

It was John, but a bruise on his cheek. "Alright boys...we are cutting this visit short...say your goodbyes and pack your things." Tears welled in my eyes again as I followed the boys upstairs. I walked into their bedroom and Sam looked over at me with sad eyes.

He then smiled hopefully, "It's okay...I'll see you again (Y/N) ...I promise." I sniffled, "but...what if you don't..." I said looking from the ground and into his eyes. "I will.... pinky promise?" He said extending his pinky for me to interlock mine with. I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek, "pinky promise..." I said pulling him into a hug.

Two years later:

Everyday sucked. It was an endless loneliness that I bottled up. I hadn't seen or heard Sam nor Dean in about two years. Bobby had taught me how to hunt but after the last hunt, hadn't taken me on one. I had fell and hurt my wrist, and that scared him like hell. Even though it was just a cut.

I'm guessing he was waiting for things to get worse, but I still didn't understand. I would wake up from nightmares every night screaming and it scared Bobby. I was staring into the mirror and saw Bobby come up behind me. "Alright kid.... you're gonna have to go away for a while. This isn't healthy. You don't sleep much, and I don't know what to do! I need you to go live with your uncle." I frowned. " will they help me?"

He shook his head. "You need to go to school more. One more sick day and they'll think somethings up." I sighed. He was right. Something was up with me.

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