chapter 3: shitty shit.

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I woke up in a bedroom, I looked around and realized I was still in Bobby's place. I sat up against the headboard and grabbed my head. It throbbed in pain; it had a heartbeat rhythm to it. After a while it went away.

I slung my feet over the side of my bed and found my ankle. I remembered it was scratched, but when I looked at it, it was spotless. Questions roamed my brain like rats in an alley, ' What happened?' ' who or what healed me?' ' how long have I been asleep?' I stopped the questions when I heard the bedroom door creak open, it was Bobby.

I looked at him with disbelief, he crouched down to get a look " What is it kid?" He asked. " What kind of Mojo did this?" He said standing back up. I shrugged, " Okay then. Hallelujah?" He spoke. I chuckled, " Okay then. I'm gonna make breakfast, if you want some, then you can come down whenever." I just nodded as usual.

I saw him and his tall shadow disappear out the door and down the hallway. I continued to sit on the bed, and then pulled the crumpled piece of paper out of my pocket. " 38.9717°N, 95.2353°W." It read. "What the hell is this gonna help with?" I said under my breath.

I looked over at the door with I heard creak open, " Hey (Y/N). How are ya feeling?" A familiar voice asked. It was Sam, I gave him a silent thumbs up as he continued to walk in. I looked down, continuing to study the note my grandma had scribbled down before- she went away. I felt tears welling in my eyes at the thought of her, I clenched my jaw, and they soon went away.

I felt a weight beside me on the bed and I assumed it was Sam. " Woah, cool, Coordinates. What are they for?" I opened my locket and felt my eyes sting with their water once more. I closed them briefly and opened them back up.

I pointed to my brother in the picture, " Oh." Sam said. " Who's that?" He asked. I held my hand to show something was taller than me, and he immediately understood. " Oh. He's your brother?" I nodded wistfully.

I felt a tear slip my eye, " Hey. It's okay, we can find him one day. Me, you, and Dean. One day. When our dad lets us." He put his hand around my back. I looked up at him and smiled, I felt butterflies rise in my chest. We both stood up and made our way downstairs.
It had been a week, and still not a word out of me. Me and Sam had become the greatest of friends, though I did talk to Dean. He had taught me how to shoot a rifle, and how to throw a killer punch. It was fun hanging with the boys. Until Friday. A Beautiful Chevy impala pulled into Bobby's driveway. " Sam, Dean, c'mon let's go!" I heard a voice beam from downstairs.

I went out my room and found Sam and Dean carrying bags down the stair steps. I followed close behind, I tugged on Sam's shirt, and he looked back at me. " It's okay. I'll see you again." He gave me a warm reassuring smile. I stepped back and watched him follow Dean out the door.

I finished all the stairs and walked onto the front porch. They put their bags in the back of the beautiful impala, and Dean opened the door for Sam to get into. I ran over to him before he could get in, I hugged him from behind. " Bye (Y/N). I'll miss you too." He said hugging me back.

I pulled away and smiled and ran back to the porch. Bobby was standing there, " Don't worry kid, they'll be back."

He said picking me up and putting me on his hip. I laid my head on his shoulder and watched the car pull out of the driveway. Sam sat against the backseat waving out of the back window, I waved back.

[-itty bitty time skip-]

I had been staying with Bobby for about a month, but still, no sign of Sam and dean. I began to worry they were just a dream, and they weren't even real, I still thought about them and would sometimes draw pictures of the impala. They were kinda shitty...but who cared. I was free to do whatever until those cool guys got back.

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