chapter 4: fears

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Sam's POV:

Dad and Dean had gone off on a hunt for Demons, so here I lay, in my bed alone. Thunder crashed outside, making me jump occasionally. I remembered (Y/N) and how when I was scared, we would sit on the bed and talk.

I stood up, "This Sucks." I said to myself. I sat up in the old creaky bed of the motel we were staying at and stared at the ground. I wasn't tired and there was no way I was staying in this dark room all night, so I stood up and creaked open the door. The hallway showed no mercy, I ran through it to avoid my absurd childish fear of the dark.

I jumped up on the counter and grabbed the telephone, it rang for a few minutes then answered. " Hello?" I heard Bobby's voice say. " Hey Uncle Bobby? I can't sleep, and the thunder is too loud." I explained, earning a sigh from him. I was such a wuss... I wasn't brave enough to stand up to a bully, more less a bully.

" Oh Sam. It's okay, the lightning won't hurt you, and when are you and Dean coming back here?" Bobby questioned, and I heard the phone cord being jostled on his side. " I'm pretty sure after this hunt." I responded. " Alright, well, drink some milk, that helps with sleep. Goodnight son."

" Goodnight uncle Bobby."

I frowned hanging up.
(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up in the middle of the night, not able to sleep. I steadily made my way downstairs, soon being stopped by Bobby. " Hey Kid? What're ya doin up?" I just stared sleepily at him. "Can't sleep?" He asked and I nodded. "Okay kid, drink some milk. Usually helps with the insomnia part. Now the stubborn afraid of the dark thing, we'll have to work on." He patted my head, giving me a small push toward the kitchen.

3rd person POV:

Sam and (Y/N) drank their milk in unison and went to bed. They both were thinking all night long about how one another were doing, until they slowly drifted off the sleep.

(Y/N)'s POV:

The next morning, I woke to the sound of a car pulling into the driveway, I ran downstairs in excitement. 'It couldn't be them?' I looked out the door to see that beautiful chevy impala outside. I smiled big, Bobby was sitting on the porch chair and stood up when he saw the boys getting out of the car.

"Hey boys. You can go ahead and take your stuff on in. But be quiet I think (Y/N)'s still sleeping. I stepped outside and showed myself to them, I was still in my pajamas. My favorite onesie with a pink gun on the front. "Oh, Hey (Y/N)." Dean said looking at me. Sam saw me and ran to me.

He enveloped me in a hug which I returned. "Been a while, (Y/N)." He said pulling away. I nodded. All three of us walked inside and upstairs to my room to hang out.
"Sammy, sh, sh, it's okay. He's gone. See no clown." Dean said comforting his brother. We were watching Star Wars and a commercial came on about Ronald Mc Donald, Sam had broken down in tears. I looked at him as he sat next to me against the headboard of my bed. I leaned forward and looked into his tear stained face, "It's okay Sam. Don't be scared. Clowns are dumbasses, who need a haircut." I said rubbing his back in the safe comforting way his brother had.

I missed my own brother. Sam's eyes widened, and Dean blinked a few times. "She speaks?" Dean smirked. "Yeah, guess I do." I smiled. Sam's expression faltered into a new one. He had an idea or a plan. "Hey (Y/N)? Wanna check out our dad's car. It's So cool! It's an older model..." Sam said, glancing outside the window.

"It's an impala...right?" I muttered. Dean looked at me impressed. "Wow, you know your cars, don't you?" I nodded and Giggled. "Way more than Sammy, here does." Dean ruffled Sam's hair. "Shut up, Dean... At least I can get a decent report card." Sam deadpanned, before turning back to me with a smile. Dean gave a mocking look behind his back and I chuckled. "So, wanna check it out?" he asked, sliding off the bed with me. "Yeah!" I exclaimed with a grin. We passed—who I'm guessing was Sam and Dean's Dad—and Bobby.

"Hey kids, where ya off to?" Bobby asked us. The other man looked at me, and then at a picture on the wall. "Wait? Bobby? Is that Jenny's Girl?" Bobby smiled at the man, and then looked back at me. " Yes, she's beauty, ain't she." Bobby turned back to John, and he nodded. "Yeah... she is. Got yourself a special one there." They conversed. "We were just gonna show (Y/N) the car." Sam announced and his dad smiled at me again, I didn't like when people smiled at me too much, it made me uncomfortable. "You can call me John little lady.

Be careful with the car Dean." He said signaling us off. I was not no little lady. I was an 8 year old, with thoughts and feelings. How dare that dickface.

Whatever... karma would get him if he deserved it. "Bye John." I muttered before walking outside with the boys. He chuckled and continued the conversation he was having with Bobby. I glanced back to see Bobby surprised by my sudden speech.

I didn't ever talk...but I guess the boys have gotten a few words outta me. The car was Beautiful, it's shiny black paint shimmered in the sunlight. I walked towards the backseat as Sam opened the door for me to get in. I brought my foot up to the floor and pulled myself in, plopping myself down in the seat.

I propped myself up on my elbows as I kept myself in between the driver and passenger seats. I studied the features of the car as Sam and Dean hopped in the front. "'s even better on the inside..." I said feeling the leather.

They both smiled and sighed sitting back in their seats. "One day...we could travel together...on a huge road trip..." Dean said staring at the steering wheel gripping it tightly. "Me too?" I asked. "Yeah! Obviously." Sam chuckled and I smiled. I looked out front to see Bobby angrily shoving John out the house. I gulped and looked over at them, I got out of the car with the boys.

Bobby was saying something rude, "Uncle Bobby... what's going on?" Sam said running over to Bobby and holding his arm. "Your daddy was just leavin..." He said glaring at Jhon. "See y'all later..." Jhon said walking to the Car slamming the door angrily behind him and swerving away. I held Bobby's other arm as Dean stood in front of him. "Cmon kids.... let's get inside..." He said walking towards the door.

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