chapter 6: abuse and reuse

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{warning there is physical abuse, and this is a trigger warning sorry y'all}

2 months later:

I felt tears streaming down my face as the pain felt endless. I was staying with my Uncle Ben, and he would beat me every few days when he had too much whiskey. Though when he was sober, we got a long decently and got along well. Sleeping wasn't really a thing anymore. And it was just Me and him, today was one of the first beatings of this month and it hurt like hell.

There were a decent number of bruises on my lower back, and on my stomach, there was a bloody cut where I had just been hit with a chair. I Lay on the ground out of breath as he picked up a small table and held it above his head. I covered my face with my hands as I backed against a wall in fear.

I heard the table drop in front of me and uncovered my face to see my uncle breathing heavily as he collapsed to the ground. I crouched down, "Uncle Ben!" I said sitting next to him as he stared wide eyed at me, I could see he was obviously now sober. He grabbed my hand, "Hey kid..." He coughed out. "I'm" He coughed a long loud painful cough again. "I'm sorry...." I shook my head. "You didn't weren't sober..." He looked at me a bit confused.

"You're not angry...?" He said shakily. I shook my head. He gently smiled at me, "You're so forgiving.... just like your mother." I smiled as he placed his hand on my cheek. A tear dripped from my cheek, "love ya kid.... I'm sorry..." was all he said. His hand dropped from my face, and I sat there still. Many emotions filled my mind, mostly confused ones. 'How....why...what...' I sobbed gently as I walked toward the phone. I dialed the only number I knew by heart.

It was Bobby's. It rung for a minute until it finally answered. "Hello?" I heard his deeper voice boom. "'s me." I said sniffling. "Hey. How are ya holdin up?" He said sounding curious. "Not so well...I actually...uh..." I heard a loud thud and some screeching. "Bobby?" I said worriedly. The phone sounded as if he was going through a tunnel on a highway. "Bobby! Dad!?" I yelled scaredly into the phone. It hung up and tears welled in my eyes.

'What could I do? Did he die too?' I was scared as thoughts swirled through my head. I gulped as I typed in another number almost everyone knew....911. It rung once before answering. I could barely speak, alone pronounce words. "Hello?" I heard a lady say kindly through the other side of the phone.

"H-he-hel-hello...?" I said shakily breathing. "Calm down and explain your situation..." she said, and I took deep breaths trying to calm myself. "O-ok-okay...." I said continuing to breath. "M-My U-Un-Uncle is d-dead...." I said trying as hard as I could to speak clearly though tears.

"Can you share your location..." she said gently. I shared my location, and she hung up. I sat in a corner curled into a ball shaking.
A few minutes passed, and I heard an ambulance pull into the driveway. I looked up scared, but then realized it was help.

I couldn't find the will to move, but I couldn't stand anyhow because of my cuts and bruises. I heard the door bust open and everyone ran to me and my uncle. Everyone surrounding me was overwhelming, and I started to feel dizzy. I fell sideways and passed out.

1 day later:

I woke up on a couch that reminded me of my grandma's. was. Had I died? I sat up quickly wincing and looking around. I looked over and saw a man. He was big and scary, but I then realized it was my older cousin David He had gotten older, and taller. He walked over to me and set down his beer smiling.

" are you feeling?" I scooted against the back of the couch and nodded. "I'm sorry about...ben...and your mom...and dad..." I smiled. "It's okay...." He looked at me surprised. "You talk now?" I chuckled and nodded.

"Well...Ma is in the kitchen cooking dinner. She will be thrilled to know you're awake." He said kindly. I swung my legs over and nodded.

1 year later:

I had lived with David and his mom for a year. My scars had healed up, and They had been a joy to stay with. Game nights every Friday, and soup for dinner almost every night. It was perfect. They were perfect. However, I did miss Bobby and the boys still. Sam had never left my mind, and the only reminder I had that he was real was the picture Bobby had printed of me Sam and dean.

I missed them dearly and would give anything to play at least one more game of catch with them. Me and David were watching a movie with 'Ma' (which is my aunt and his mom) for my birthday. I was so happy until.... the wall busted in. I screamed in terror. A huge man came in and screeched. I screamed as it grabbed my aunt, and I watched it rip her to pieces. My cousin screamed loud as it tried to grab him too. I grabbed his arm and threw him across me.

The man grabbed me instead and dropped me instantly. I fell to the ground in pain. I looked up and my cousin's blood had dripped onto my face. I screamed as the man picked me up. I kicked his face and he fell back angrily. I knew he wasn't human but was curious to what he was.

I looked into his eyes, and he smiled devilishly before they turned black.... demon. I thought for a second and started reciting the exorcism Bobby had taught me. I started and the Demon dropped me and fell to his knees.
I finished the exorcism, and the Demon was dead.... or at least gone.

I sat on my knees in tears, still shocked. The roof was torn down from the Demon busting in, so the rain was Pouring down on me. I hated myself. I could've saved David and Ma...but I was too late.

I was so stupid that I couldn't realize it was a demon. I slowly stood up and walked over to my bedroom that was now recked. I grabbed my suitcase and packed the few clothes that weren't utterly destroyed.

I grabbed the only picture that ever really mattered to me besides the one in my locket. I walked toward the nearest police station and explained my situation.

Two weeks later:

I waited in a foster care center for two weeks before they finally found someone that could take care of me. It was a friend of my dad's apparently; his name was harrying, and he lived in a shed smaller than Bobby's.

I walked in and the smell of whiskey filled my senses. I gasped slightly. "Here... you stay in here..." He signaled to a small bedroom, and I nodded.

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