chapter 13: the second better kiss

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As soon as we walked through the door, I felt warm air hit us. It made me shiver, and I looked over at (Y/N) as she did too.

I instantly wrapped my arms around her, wanting her to feel warm. She wrapped her arms around me too, and I felt a warm feeling despite the cold.

"(Y/N). Sam."

We both looked over to see Uncle Bobby standing right there, with his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.

Me and (Y/N) immediately separated, letting our arms fall to our sides.

I swallowed. "We're sorry Uncle Bobby. It was a long walk home... and Dean was... well, we couldn't find Dean. So, we walked."

"What do ya mean you couldn't find Dean? Is he in the lost in found?"

Bobby questioned, making (Y/N) crack a small brief smile at the way he worded it.

I just stood there silently, hoping (Y/N) would explain. I didn't wanna say anything because I wasn't good at lying. Especially to adults.



Bobby stepped closer and flipped the light switch on the look at us.

"(Y/N) ... get you and Sam some towels. I'm gonna get the truth outta him." I froze when he said this, looking at (Y/N) mouthing 'no'.

I couldn't do this alone.

She shrugged and nodded, walking upstairs. I sighed and looked down, ready to get a mouthful.

"Son..." Bobby sighed as well, walking over to the couch, and sitting down. "You gotta understand, Dean's not in trouble. Nobody's in trouble here. I just want you boys, and (Y/N) to be safe."

He motioned for me to walk over to the couch, and so
I did. Slowly walking over and sitting beside him. "I understand sir." I replied, trying not to make him mad.

I was used to my dad getting mad if things were serious and I didn't call him sir.

"Good. Now... how was the damn party." He smiled, nudging me a little. I smiled, looking up at him.

"It was... kinda fun actually." I replied, leaving out the part about me and (Y/N) kissing.

He raised a brow, "Just 'kinda fun'?" He questioned, tilting his head to look at my face. "Yeah. It was fun." I looked down, hoping he wouldn't question further.

"The important thing is that you had fun. I'm glad you guys came home safe. And I know how Dean is. He'll be back in the Mornin."

He stood up, stretching his arms. "Okay then kiddo... you and (Y/N) have fun or whatever. You guys can stay up or fall asleep. Just don't stay up past 5." I watched him walk across the room and down the hallway.

I sat there on that couch in deep thought, until I felt something warm wrap around my shoulders.

It was (Y/N). She had draped the towel around me. "Thanks." I smiled up at her, standing up and pulling the towel around me more.

"Let's go upstairs." She smiled, walking toward the stairs, and waiting for me to follow.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Dean's probably going to come back with Alicia."

Sam's voice was right behind me as I walked up the stairs. "How do you know?"

I asked, looking back at him. "He always does when Dad's not with us. He always takes the girls back to the room... Unless they're at her place. Though because Alicia is 15 and she seems the way she is, her parents are probably home. Red flag for Dean."

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