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I ran right towards Selendaria as she swung her sword at me. I blocked her blade with my own.

"You're going to die." She said in a taunting tone. "And so are all your little friends!"

I managed to slash her eye out with my sword. She screams in pain and grabs at her eye. I take the chance to cut off her hand as well.

"You fucking bitch!" She screamed at me. She grabs at her stump as I walk up to her. She grabs her sword with her other hand and tries to stab me in the stomach but the steel blade breaks.

"What the hell?" She snaps at me. I take the chance to slash the area between her shoulder and her neck with my sword. She screams in pain and I behead her. My companions come running as I'm staring at her head twitching before it stops moving.

"That was easy enough.." Heather spoke, looking at the head. Suddenly, the head moved to look at us.

"You think that was going to kill me?" She smiled at us as black vein-like structures came out of her head and started to grow into a body. Jackson, Kyra, and Heather started to attack it as both Brett and I were frozen in place.

The body looked like a weird model of the human muscles except for her head. She was towering over us, like a giant chasing after ants.

"I'm not going down that easy!" She snapped at us. She punched her fist into the air, making us all go flying.

I hit a piece of rubble but the armor protected me from the worst of it, thankfully.

"Good, neither are we." I say As she runs to kick me. I start to run and slide, raising my sword above me. She screams in agony as I run it through her foot. I hit the floor as she's grabbing her bleeding foot and I run to where her other one is. I slice through her Achilles tendon and she falls down on the rubble. Kyra and Heather take the chance to blast her with a blizzard spell which freezes her upper body. Brett and Jackson hack at her knees.

"No! No! No!" She shouts, trying to flail around. She's screaming and writhing around, furious at the fact that she's losing the fight.

I ran up to her face.

"Let's give it all we got!" I shout. Kyra and Heather used the blizzard spell as she slowly stopped screaming and her face was frozen in position. Jackson transformed to that giant version of his third form and smashed her head to pieces. For good measure, Kyra and Heather cast a fire spell to incinerate the bits. That was the end of her, I hoped.

"We should get going. I think Leandrus was following Brendan around." Brett spoke. Jackson offered us a ride on his shoulder which we all accepted.

I don't think I was ready to see the carnage that Brendan had caused. The forest looked like it had been set aflame. Blackened tree stumps were everywhere and there were dead animals and people everywhere. There was a village that had been completely crushed and farmlands that had been destroyed.

There was dead livestock and fish floating up along with pieces of a crushed boat.

"Damn, this feels like we're in some apocalyptic shit." Jackson says.

"We are." Kyra closed her eyes. I saw the demon thing that was Brendan in the distance, destroying the Illinatan palace in the distance.

"MOM! DAD!" Poor Leira. "No..." She said in a small voice as she starts to cry. Kyra and Heather try to comfort her.

"Brendan!" Jackson shouted. The beast stopped its rampage and looked at us.

"Don't listen to him, you must end this realm!" Leandrus was flying by his shoulder.

"Brendan! What the hell, man?" Heather asked.

"Brendan, this isn't you! I know you're in there somewhere!" I shouted at him. The beast turned to face us and howled at the darkening sky, running towards us. With a fiery fist, he ran towards us. Jackson backtracked but ended up catching Brendan's fist to his neck. Suddenly we were free falling to our deaths. Heather managed to catch me as Kyra caught Brett.

Jackson managed to get himself back together and punch Brendan right in the jaw. I thought I'd never see some Godzilla vs King Kong shit in my life but here we are.

"Even if you do stop him, it's too late. Most of the fae realm will be in ruin and collapsing soon." Leandrus shouted at us. I saw how the forest in the distance was brown and crisp, not in a good way either. There had to be a way to restore the forest, right?

"I'm still not giving up!" I shouted at him. "As long as I'm still here, I'm not giving up."

"That's adorable. You'll die all the same." He snapped at me, summoning giant shadow creatures. I'm so tired of fighting. Demon Brendan runs away and we're left to fight the shadow creatures and Leandrus. A shadow flies to Heather and I. I drop down and find myself growing hummingbird wings behind my armor. Cool.

I slashed at the shadows and watched them vanish into thin air as I cut through them with Sunstone. Leandrus kept summoning creatures.

"I can do this all day, Erika." He shouts, summoning more shadow creatures as I slash through them.

"Can you?" I'm starting to feel a little bit like myself before all of this. That should be a good thing, right? I slash through the shadow creatures and use my new wings to fly in his direction. He throws both fire and ice spells at me. I get hit with a few but I keep flying.

If I can kill Leandrus, that stops the shadows and we can get to Brendan quicker. As I try to avoid the fire and ice blasts that are thrown at me, I can only think of one thing; Leandrus' head on a platter. 

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