Chapter Five: If Ever You're In My Arms Again

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This chapter is written from Cherryl's point of view.

This chapter features a song that is named after this chapter name, If Ever You're In My Arms Again by Peabo Bryson.

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Ethan is coming in an hour.

That's all I could hear out of all the murmurs I always hear when we are together with Marlou, Jaiden, Shay, and Faith. I wonder what made them very excited to bring me to the airport.

Is it really real that he is coming back to the Philippines, or am I having a hallucination once again?

"Cherryl, don't peak!" Jaiden struggled to hold me. She was unaware that I was trying to fix my eyeglasses as she brought me.

"She might turn blind, come on!" Shay laughed at me.

"Guys! What are you doing?!" I asked. If Ethan's comeback is true, then heck it, I'm facing my now-boyfriend for the very first time in five years.

"Ethan is coming over, and you shall prepare!" Jaiden jumped out of joy.

"Ps! Why did you spill it?!" Faith scowled at her.

"Now Cherryl knows we're here!" Jaiden said.

*It's all your fault!" Shay laughed and the rest of us laughed as well.

Wow. It was a whole five-year wait for Ethan to finally have him as my boyfriend, right?

... or are we already together within the first five years since we had our first kiss?

The sun hits like a direct fire hitting me. Reality hits in when after five lengthy years, I can finally see Ethan again. But the question is, will it remain the same? Will the same clingy, touchy, and affectionate him remain? 

"Guys... I'm not ready to see Ethan," I removed the eye covers from my own, sitting near the bench. They later followed - Shay and Marlou sat next to each other. "I'm not ready to see him. This is nerve-wracking."

"But girl, you must opt to face him bravely. He might feel the same that you guys missed each other so much!" Jaiden cheered me up.

"Yeah. Ethan wanted to be with you since then, Joyce..." Marlou said. It suddenly hits me again.

"Well, cous," Faith said, giving me the lemonade I drank this morning. "If this will happen then I'm more than sure that you'll always be ready to face him. Just have patience!"

"Are you sure?" I asked. I was unsure that if I was able to see him, then this would be the end of me.

"Yup!" Shay hugged me tightly. "Let's get to the arrival!"

When we reached the arrival, we were patiently waiting. Passengers coming from Manila flocked to the arrival spot where I was searching for the only love... but a couple of minutes later, he hadn't arrived.

"I think you're pranking me at this moment," I said. I was about to walk away but then when I was held by Jaiden, she later let me face the arrival again.

Later, a song familiar to me had just played in the speaker as I was staring at the arrival sign.

"Just wait! He will come!" Jaiden held me, jumping when she, along with the other people here in the waiting area, was waiting for people.

Oooh... oooh... ooooooh...

"I'm not ready..." I whispered.

It all came so easy, all the loving you gave me
The feelings we shared...
And I still can remember how your touch was so tender
It told me you cared...

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