Chapter Six: In This Moment, Again

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This chapter is written from Ethan's point of view.

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A few hours of traffic had passed and here I was, with Cherryl beside me. The feeling of having her reminds me back to the past when I made love to her. Honestly, I missed that feeling. When I was held in her arms, it was a lovely feeling.

 Having her in my life makes me feel very loved. She was the one who proved me wrong in every aspect of my life. I wanted to be with her so bad. So much that it's more than just being partners. I want to marry her one day.

 "Love?" she tapped my shoulder, and we saw that we were at the restaurant where we ate when we were still high school students. "Hello! Earth to Ethan!"

"Oh," I shook my head. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I must have been jetlagged."

I realized that after what would have been a million hours of waiting for the traffic to be over, Darwin dropped us off at the restaurant where we used to go on dates with Cherryl. It brought me a lot of memories, from the first date we had to the last heartbreaking date where a few hours later, I would leave the Philippines.

A few moments had passed since we sat down in the restaurant that afternoon, and we were already looking at the menu. I couldn't decide what to order, so I turned to Cherryl and asked for her recommendation.

"Have you tried the newest steak here? It's amazing! I always order it when I am on a date with you online," she replied. 

I shook my head, taking her suggestion and calling the waiter over. As we waited for our food, we chatted about how our lives had been since we parted ways. I could see the tears and happiness in Cherryl's eyes. Since she came, she has been happier. The restaurant was busy, with clinking glasses and dishes filling the air. 

As our food arrived, we dug in, savoring every bite. The steak was cooked to perfection, and the sides were delicious. I took a sip of my wine and looked around the restaurant, noticing the elegant décor and the happy faces of the other diners. 

"This is good," I said, wiping my mouth with a napkin. "Thanks for the recommendation, my love." 

"No problem, glad you like it," she replied, taking a bite of her meal. 

We continued to enjoy our dinner, laughing and enjoying each other's company. It was a lovely night out, and the restaurant was the perfect setting for it. As we finished our meal and paid the bill, we both agreed that we would have to come back sometime soon.

After finishing our meal at the restaurant, Cherryl and I decided to take a stroll and explore the beautiful city of Cordova, Cebu. We used to go there after occasions such as winning the debate against Emil's team, so I thought I could surprise her with a stroll.

As we walked down the streets, we chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company. The night air was cool and refreshing, and the stars twinkled in the sky.

Finally, we arrived at the destination - 10,000 Roses. It was a beautiful garden filled with thousands of LED roses, illuminated in the darkness. The sight was breathtaking, and Cherryl was awed by its beauty.

"It has been a while since I visited here!" she smiled towards the entrance.

Hand in hand, we walked through the garden, admiring the roses and taking pictures together. We talked about our hopes and dreams, sharing stories and memories from the past five years that we've been apart.

As we reached the end of the garden, I turned to Cherryl and took her hand.

"I have something to tell you," I said, looking into her eyes. 

"What is it?" she asked while eating her cotton candy bought from outside.

"Do you still remember that I kept complimenting you by your looks?" I asked, popping one random question.

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