Chapter Ten: If Trust's Just a Word, Then I Won't Believe You

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This chapter is written from Ethan's point of view.

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Hey bud

I have something to tell.

What is it?

Bad news and stuffs..


Man, Cherryl knows you cheated on him.

Oh, gosh...

Look, it was not my intention. I was drunk. You know that.

And that kissing part that you hid from Cherryl? She knew it.


She has a back-up account that you didn't know.

Like she has it

I was drunk. I thought that it was for pastime. I just want to drink because Cherryl was gone in my apartment or condominium man!

Really? How could you allow yourself to cheat on her, man?

I-I know man...

I regret it. I was just too much of an idiot. I hurted Cherryl. I never meant to hurt her feelings. Her things are left here, and I already broke up with the other girl.


Because I want Cherryl back.


How so?

After you're unsatisfied with that person, that's where will you ever regret you cheated on her, now that she already know??

How did you figure that out?


I saw it on her Messenger notes.


I'm pretty sure her friends knew it as well.

How in the world did you know?

Because... I'm with them.

You reacted 😮 to Aaron's message.

I can even show you where are we right now

*sent a picture*

You see?

First, how did you met her?

Elementary, obviously

And how close you are with her?

Very very close. If i wasn't gay then I would date her.

How dare you say that

So you know Cherryl a lot?

We've been best friends dummy.

For how many years?

For soooo many years. I would say...

Like since we were young.

How could you know her without you revealing who you really are?

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