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At night fon and kongkwan was setting the dinner table. The crackling sounds of the glass dishes and glasses filled in the silence. Fon was still cooking something. Kongkwan was setting the table.

As fon was cooking she suddenly felt a embrace .
" P'freen! What are you doing?" Fon smiled and slowly tilted her head.

Kongkwan silently bit fon's neck.

" P'freen?" Fon was surprised with this act.

Kongkwan bit again.

" Kongkwan!" Fon pushed her a bit.

" Good girl! Didn't I told you to not call me by that name?" Said kongkwan softly.

" Oh! Kongkwan! You're so cute when you act like a teacher."

" Cute? I was going for sexy!" Kongkwan slowly moved away and acted like sulking.

" Oh! My dear teacher..... Don't sulk.." fon kissed kongkwan's cheek.

" It's okay! Is the food ready? Already the dinner time" kongkwan looked at the clock.

" You're the one distracting me..!" Fon pouted and moved back to cooking.

Kongkwan went towards the stairs and called out the childrens.

" Children! Come down!"

Kongkwan then came back to the kitchen and sat on the edge of the dinning table.

Kongkwan looked at fon's back. He slim figure doesn't have any marks of pregnancy. It's a puzzle for kongkwan how did she brought out those perfect kids from such small entrance. She still remembers the time they thought about having kids. The late night discussion about the topic. The research about ivf. The options they can choose. What problems. So many sleepless nights they those two blessings came into this world making this world a bit more beautiful for kongkwan or FREEN.

A sudden talk from fon broke kongkwan's thoughts.

" Honey! You know a couple is moving in tomorrow." Said fon.

" I know. They talked about in the school too." Kongkwan said. " I don't have any more information." Kongkwan sat down in disappointment.

" Well I know. The couple is a odd one. The man is very old close to eighty and the woman is young." Fon said putting the food on the dinning table.

" What? That? I can only think of one couple like that!" Kongkwan said.

" God no! There are many couples who is young and old. Look at us" fon said.

" Huh.! I am old? " Kongkwan pouted again " well you choose this old person so you have to go with it." Said kongkwan.

" Whom I love more than anything..! Or anyone else." Said fon making a cute face.

Fon quickly came closer to kongkwan and poked her chubby now puffed cheek.

" Now don't sulk na..! I didn't said you are old. I just ment you're older. Older than me. That's all. You know I loved you since I am a little girl. Now we have a little girl and a little boy. So... How that's long time. And you also made me wait all these years...." Fon placed a kiss on kongkwan's cheek.

Kongkwan suddenly disappeared and freen emerged from the bottom of kongkwan's heart.

The naughtiest eyes looked at fon.

" P'freen! Stoppppp! You're making me blush...!" Becky said touching her own cheeks.

" What..? I haven't even touched you yet!" Freen showed her hands.

" P'freen kids ..... They..." But freen wasn't the person to stop she kissed fon beautiful pink lips a bit roughly. Becky was resisting. Since she thought the kids will come any minute now. But then she responded to the kiss. Her hands travelled to freen's arms and reached her neck. Pulling freen closer becky almost forgot where she was.

" P'freen...! Ah..!" Becky let out a moun when their mouth parted for a while. Then freen went back to kissing becky.

" Who is p'freen?" Asked two angels in unison.

Freenbecky both moved apart. Suddenly flustered by the arrival of their kids.

" It's...! Ah..um.." Becky started stuttering.

" It's no one baby.. no one. What about ice cream after dinner?" Said freen in her kongkwan's voice. Although it's the same person. But when she becomes kongkwan she is more intriguing, steadier, she also well mannered. A teacher personality.

" Of course!" Said the twins in unison. The twins. Although their very young. But they already can speak clearly. Because of freen. Freen read them books every night. Some rhyme books, story book. Then taught them English and thai both alphabet. Now they can speak both languages. But thanks to fon they also had a British accent. So they blended in pretty easily. The kids are also unaware of fon and kongkwan's past.


At night fon kongkwan slept cuddling. But kongkwan couldn't sleep tonight. The freen in her couldn't let her sleep. Sometime she wakes up thinking about her past. Sometimes it's the same dream from back when she was in Thailand.

The dream where she sees her future family, the kids Becky all happy. Only now the kids have faces and this time the freen that killed becky comes back and kills the kids too.

Saying " you took lives of so many kids. You don't deserve to have kids yourself."

So freen is now unable to sleep. Scared of sleep. Becky had no idea about this insomnia problem of freen. Since she wakes up after Becky is fallen asleep.

The does some excercise, meditation. Some thing, anything to give her heart the peace she wants. She got everything now. But the freen sarocha from her past keeps her awake and unable to be fully happy.

Today she also woke up after Becky is fully asleep. She patted Becky's head and looked at her sleeping in peace.

" You're so beautiful becky. You're still the same beautiful , pure girl I fall in love with. Why are you so cute. I can't stop loving you. When did you became so important to me...?" Freen sighed.

She kept looking at Becky. It's the only person keeps her from getting insane.

Suddenly she felt Becky was not in esae. Becky was feeling uncomfortable. She was having a nightmare maybe.

Freen saw a tension line appear between her brows. Her face muscles became tense. Freen put her hands on becky's shoulder to comfort her. Although she was asleep but she felt freen's touch and felt comfort.

A smile appeared on her face. Freen smiled too. Seeing her cute face. Suddenly Becky muttered a word.

" Dad...!"  

My Dear Teacher...2Where stories live. Discover now